

Responses from tboooe

DSL Wireless Modem Compatible with Logitech Duet?
If the router is in the same room you will have no issues.I have not compared Sonos to Duet. I have been a long time user and Sonos. I absolutely love the remote control interface and the ability to easily add multiple wireless zones. If you only ... 
DSL Wireless Modem Compatible with Logitech Duet?
If it is a half decent wireless router it should have no problem streaming digital music to the Duet. I do not have the Duet (I have 5 Sonos wireless zones) and my wireless router has no problem streaming digital music and internet radio as well a... 
Digital inputs - Esoteric
I feel the same way. The only to do it now with Esoteric is to get their DAC and transport which I am using in conjunction with my wireless music system. 
Pass Labs VS Classe
good point audphile! I read over the original too quickly and did not catch the fact that the speakers are the N802. At this caliber of amps, I dont think you would disappointed either way. 
Pass Labs VS Classe
I used to own the 802D and listened extensively to both of these amps before then deciding on the Pass XA160. With the BW, I would lean towards the Pass because of better dynamics. The Classe amps are wonderful but I felt when combined with the sl... 
Parasound Halo JC1s
The JC1 is a great amp but you are right about the heat! I used to own the Pass Labs XA160 which runs only in pure class a mode. Needless to say my room got very hot!!! Eventually I had to replace them with something that allows me to listen to my... 
Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.
Congrats Dante7. Which Sistrum stands did you get? 
Company or Solitude?
It depends. If i am just casually listening and reading a magazine or book then I actually like having my kids or wife in the room with me. HOWEVER, if I am listening critically or trying to get lost in the music, I definitely prefer to sit in sol... 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
my Esoteric P3 transport and D5 dac. I am going to use these until they stop working (hopefully many many moons from now). 
Rotel RB-1091 vs Parasound JC1 on B&W 802D's?
I used to own the 802d and while I did not have the exact amps you mentioned, I did have the Rotel 1080 and Parasound A21. I preferred the A21. I felt that the Parasound provided a fuller more realistic sound. The Rotel sounded very ordinary and m... 
Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.
Personally, I love the low profile nature of the Sistrum stands. They sit very discretely underneath my amps without adding too much visual impact. 
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor old v new
hulskof, would you mind emailing me the pdf files you have? I am seriously considering the Auditor M and the frequency response is of great interest to me. Thanks in advance. 
Usher speaker's and Pass amps...
What combo are you referring to? I had the XA160 with my BE-10. I prefer my current amp, Ayre MX-R. I am sure the XA160 is a wonderful amp, I think the MX-R does a better job of bringing out the qualities of the BE-10 that I prefer (transparency, ... 
jaybo, thanks for the headsup. Looks like it will be released on Aug 28th (according to Amazon). Definitely going to buy it!!!! 
Downgrading... Is it possible??? Suggestions
I am doing the same thing. My system is being migrated from the living room to either the loft or a small den. My problem is that I would like to keep all of my components which means the only area of change are the speakers. Going to some stand m...