

Responses from tboooe

Speakers too wide apart?
After listening to my system all morning I thought I would share some of my thoughts on the differences I am hearing:1. The bass seems to be deeper. I have always had tight, punchy bass, but now it is sounds like my speakers are going lower. It is... 
Speakers too wide apart?
fihigh, thank you for the kind words. My speaker are about 5ft 9inches apart measured from the center line of each speaker.tvad, I do know the mirror trick. My problem is that I cant do anything about the first reflection point anyway since my sys... 
Speakers too wide apart?
wwshull, I wonder if in my case, bringing the speakers closer together helped with the first reflection point? I am in a situation where I cant really put up room treatments so what I can do is limited. My speakers are now more than 3ft away from ... 
Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please
its hard to believe a cdp that costs as much as the X-03se can be considered "value conscious". In my opinion it is a very good player and can easily be the pinnacle of digital playback for most people. In fact, a cheap $50 cdp from Best Buy can b... 
Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please
nolitan, i use the D5 with both the Esoteric P3 and a Sonos digital music source. My personal feeling is that the transport makes more of difference than the dac (assuming you are comparing decent quality dacs). That being said, I would get the x-... 
Ayre amps - cool running?
I too have the MXR and they stay pretty cool but I dont listen at loud bolumes (<75db) and my speakers are 8 ohm nominal and fairly efficient. I used to have the Pass XA160 and there is no comparison. My room would get noticeably hotter with th... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I am now off the merry go round and after a period of depression I have finally come to terms with it. What I found out about myself was that the process upgrading and swapping out gear was a big part of what I enjoyed about this hobby. I was just... 
Soundstage wide and deep but not at all tall. . .
tpsonic, can you please explain why you think diffuse is better than absorption at the first reflection point? I am beginning to try and get some room treatments and this information would be very helpful. 
Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?
I have soo many its ridiculous. Sometimes I just like listening to catchy pop music. Over the past year, on heavy rotation at my house is Colbie Calliat, Tristan Prettyman, and Jason Mraz. I also have a soft spot for 80's nostalgia. Last night I w... 
Soundstage wide and deep but not at all tall. . .
Not much help but I have this same problem. I prefer to hear my music a few feet above the tweeters because it reminds me more of musicians on a stage. I have heard a few of my friends' systems (many much more modest than mine), and they all seem ... 
What's your profession? Age?
autodexr, where are you going to get your mba? I went to the Anderson School at UCLA, wish I was still in school instead of facing "reality" and working everyday. 
Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?
One thing to consider is that those with uber systems have the means to swap out components and make a lot of changes and updates, which results in activity/discussion. Disposable income allows some to continually pursue incremental improvements. ... 
How international is your system?
Ok I will jump in:CDP: Japan (Esoteric)Pre: Germany (MBL)Amps: USA (Ayre)Speakers: Taiwan (Usher)Digital Music Server: USA (Sonos)Cables: USA (Tara Labs, Acoustic Zen) 
Most pleasing sound vs most hifi sound
I tend to agree with TVAD. I have what I consider to be a very dynamic and detailed system which I love. Sometimes though, I find myself drawn to tubey, warm sounding systems. I know the highs are being rolled off and that the midrange is being ex... 
Rotel RB-1080 - good/bad for Legacy Classics?
I used to own the 1080 about 2 years ago. The sound is nice but I found it a bit anemic in the midrange. Also, I recall there used to be a problem with it blowing fuses pretty regularly so be wary if you buy used. For the money, I would go for the...