

Responses from tboooe

Bass leaves after amp warms up?
06-28-13: Mapman...but gotta wonder what the original MF amp would sound like now.....Mapman (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)Agreed...I think the MF M6i is a GREAT int amp. Definitely a bit more organic sounding than my Accustic Arts wh... 
One artist, band, you keep coming back to
Eva CassidyHEMRosie Thomas 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Glad you like the Power 1. I really like mine as well. I may consider getting the MK 3 some day for its headphone amp capability. Have you had a chance to try it out yet? 
Power Strip
vicks7, may I humbly suggest you look into an AC regenerator like the PS Audio Powerplants. Even with a dedicated line you are at the mercy of the ac power quality coming into your home. A dedicated line can't fix noisy or inconsistent power comin... 
NAD M2 with Sonus Faber Cremona Ms
I would look at Musical Fidelity as well. I had the M6i integrated driving my SF Auditors and I thought it sounded great! Very organic. Some of the older MF amps and integrated can be found on here for a very reasonable price. 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Looking forward to your thoughts on the AA Fishing716. I have the MK2 version and love it! My AA had terrible bass when I first got it. It was so bad that I even checked to make sure I didnt reverse the polarity of my speaker cables. After about 5... 
XLR cables that sound bold, natural, real..silver?
I really like AZ Silver Ref II as well! As Kijanki mentioned, the AZ sounds very natural to me with some weight to the vocals. Its not as black as other cables I tried but the AZ seems to do a very good job with vocals. 
best snack for listening?
06-26-13: GarebearPussy Garebear (Threads | Answers | This Thread)End of thread! 
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?
Harris4crna, awesome. Where in San Diego. I live very close..In fact in am in San Diego right now! :) 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Btw, my previous integrated was the MF M6i! I didn't have the bass issues you mentioned. In fact, I thought the M6i was very good. I think it sounds a bit more organic than the Accustic Arts, doing a better job with stringed instruments. 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Well done Fishing716. I own the Power1 mk2 and absolutely love it's clarity. I have no complaints other than the cramped quarters in the back. I would love to hear your thoughts once you get it. By the way, I had to burn in my unit for around 50 h... 
Vertical placement of instruments....crazy
Thank you Al. Very interesting reading. I learned alot.Samhar, my speakers are on the Sonus Faber stands. I think they look great! As for SC/UCLA, I continue to re-live that magic victory in 2006...man has it been that long???? 
Vertical placement of instruments....crazy
06-20-13: SamharIs it only when you have your Bruin slippers on !!!!!!! V fight on !!!!! Couldn't resist !Samhar (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)Well played my friend! You think Kiffin will survive past this year??? 
Vertical placement of instruments....crazy
06-20-13: RrogThe new interconnects are passing more high frequency information. Don't like it? Go back to the old interconnects if you prefer a smaller sound. Rrog (Answers | This Thread)Thats what I needed to know. Just wanted an explanation of ... 
Vertical placement of instruments....crazy
06-20-13: Marakanetzare you trippin?Believe me I wish I was! This issue was totally blowing my mind. I tested this with several different cds and songs. The results were the same, crazy vertical placement of instruments.