

Responses from tboooe

AQ NRG 1.5 or PS Audio Jewel AC for Sonos
Looks like Nordost also makes a C7 power cord that fits Sonos. Any feedback on the results with aftermarket power cords is greatly appreciated. 
Your Favorite Cover Songs?
Frankie Goes To Hollywood, "Born to run" 
Another DAC suggestion a step above Metrum Octave
KZhtoo, I think you will find those two choices to be more alike than different. I don't think you can go wrong with either. Of course an audition would be ideal. 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Mazzy star/ hope Sandoval. 
What happened to Jfox
San Clemente?! I live there too and have also lived in Minnesota (Bloomington). Hard to beat the weather and life style here though nothing ever compares to home. With real estate prices the way they are here I have given up my dream of ever havin... 
New rack or power conditioner
Woodworker501, very curious what your thoughts are using the Ultra Minis? I am thinking about buying some to try out as well. 
Sonos to Amp - is simplicity better?
I have tried this experiment both ways and to my ears having the Sonos drive my amps was merely adequate. The best I can say is that the Sonos produced background music, nothing I could sit with and get fully engaged. To me the sound was thin, gri... 
Mini Monitors: Sonus Faber Cremona or Micro Utopia
I own the Auditors (not M) and will say yes they are more organic sounding versus sounding dynamic and energetic but I would say with the right amp and clean power, they sound to me perfectly balanced with a very natural warmth and tone. But like ... 
Another DAC suggestion a step above Metrum Octave
Kzhtoo, I had the Esoteric P3/D5 combo and it is typical of the Esoteric sound, very detailed and airy. Like you, I prefer a "glorious midrange, controlled and powerful bass...non-fatiguing sound". To this end, I found my Luxman D-06 cdp/dac to be... 
Speakers with fullness and weight?
I agree with the post that recommends looking at your entire system, especially the power quality. I added a PS Audio P3 AC regenerator and am amazed at the power, dynamics, and bass I am now getting. Before this I was considering new speakers bec... 
Are some of us losing our minds over upgrades??
06-30-13: Dragon1952I, personally, have never 'got' buying an inferior component and then spending big bucks for supposed upgrades when that same final dollar figure could get you something well designed and well implemented in the first place.Dra... 
Accustic Arts Power 1 - operates in Class A?
Thank you. I think based on the wattage consumption not moving at until I reach high volumes that the Accustic Arts Power 1 must be biased to Class A at least for the first few watts. Does anyone know for sure? 
Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables
Joeyboynj, just curious if you had any thoughts on the difference between the Tesla SE ac cords versus the new Elements? I am thinking of picking up some used SE T3 ac cords. Also very interested in your opinion of the Tungsten interconnect. I mus... 
Anyone replace the fuse in a PS Audio Powerplant?
Thank you Ozzy. I will go ahead and get the Hifi Tuning fuse. I am truly amazed at the improvement the P3 made in my system! In the future the Powerplant will be the first component I buy. 
power problems at house, impact and thoughts
Like Sonic I just bought a PS Audio Powerplant P3 and the improvement in sound is extraordinary. Deeper bass, more detail, bigger soundstage. I live in a fairly new house and according to my P3 power fluctuates between 119-116 volts with 4-5% THD....