

Responses from tboooe

How to get iTunes to play FLAC
No can do...this is why I cant use itunes. You have convert to another format. No idea why Apple wont support flac. 
Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1
Very timely for me as well. I am trying to decide between the Raidho C1.1 and Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento. I am going to audition the C1.1 this weekend. 
Goodbye CD's
sorry about the double post folks...not sure how it happens. 
Goodbye CD's
Perhaps I am just nostalgic but I still buy lots of CDs. I rip them to my server then I store the CDs away. I never sell any of the CDs I have ever purchased (even Milli Vanilli or Debbie Gibson), keeping it like a bit of personal history. Maybe o... 
Differences between cable sound.
The first two questions you need to ask yourself is:1. Does your system have enough resolution to allow you to hear differences between cables?2. Are your ears acute enough to tell the difference?For me, I cant hear differences in cables past the ... 
Goodbye CD's
Kiwi...sadly I dont think my Debbie Gibson or Twisted Sister cds are worth anything. It wont stop me from buying cds though. 
New Musical Fidelity M8 pre - anyone heard this
Congrats. I really like the MF M series. I owned the M6i and thought it sounded very very good and organic. Though I love the dynamics and power of my Accustic Arts Power 1 integrated, I still miss the M6i. 
Goodbye CD's
Perhaps I am just nostalgic but I still buy lots of CDs. I rip them to my server then I store the CDs away. I never sell any of the CDs I have ever purchased (even Milli Vanilli or Debbie Gibson), keeping it like a bit of personal history. Maybe o... 
PS Audio P3 power Plant
Radni, as Plato pointed out the P3 should have plenty of power for your system. I have my integrated amp, cdp, and Sonos powered from my P3 and it never draws more than 105W. In terms of sonic quality, I can definitely say the P3 had the biggest i... 
Do I have a "balance" problem?
Cal3713, I seriously thought it was just me this whole time! I too notice that vocals are ever so slightly shifted left of center in my system. Its a minor annoyance but it does take my attention away from enjoying the music. 
Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD?
Yashu, check out Luxman. I used to own Esoteric and prefer the Luxman sound. 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
Cool! I will be doing this mod as soon as I get my Tungsten power cable. Also good info about plugging it into my PS Audio P3 AC regenerator. 
Soooo many choices.
I stream 1080p movies with full surround sound wirelessly in my home. I highly suggest using wireless N. If wired is an issue you can use the power line adapters. I have used those as well with success. 
Do I have a "balance" problem?
Swampwalker is on to something. Back in highschool I blew out my left ear drum (after getting steamrolled by some huge linebacker). To this day, sometimes my left ear will sound as if its plugged like when I am in an airplane. This makes the sound... 
Electric Bill
I have been debating if I should just keep my system on all the time or turn it off when not in use. The problem is that I think my system sounds better when left on (though this could be entirely my imagination). It draws about 105W in stand by a...