

Responses from tboooe

My first power conditioner - positive experience
I recently purchased the PS Audio Powerplant P3 and have been astounded at the improvement it had on my system. To me, power needs to be the very first thing you consider before spending money on a component because without consistent, clean power... 
Power Cables diminishing returns
I guess everyone is different depending on their system and hearing. For me personally my sweet spot is around $1000 retail which equates to about $500 used. 
Music on NAS-Recommendations to play on HIFI
Look no further than Sonos. Easy setup, reliable, great interface for iPad, iPod, android, etc. I've been using it for 9 years. 
Speaker Selection Help
That is a huge room! 
Room treatment in phases...where to start
Davehrab, thank you for taking the time to writeup such a thorough response! I truly appreciate it. Just to be clear, when you say "back wall" you are referring to the wall behind my speakers right? 
Room treatment in phases...where to start
08-01-13: LarryiMy dealer believes that the center of the front wall should be a hard reflective surface. This is consistent with a listening room a friend of my has which was designed by the acoustic firm Rives. The front of the room has a very l... 
Room treatment in phases...where to start
Thank you justlisten. Your comment about leaving then front wall bare is interesting to me because that is the only place where I want to use treatments. Right now I am listening to music with a bunch of pillows stacked up on the ball between my s... 
Room treatment in phases...where to start
Thanks folks. I am thinking that with my semi nearfield listening, open back wall and monitors, I dont need bass traps in the corners. Probably all I need is some treatment on the front wall. 
Room treatment in phases...where to start
Thanks Bigsutterbug, I appreciate the input. I did some experiments last night and put some pillows in between my speakers on the front wall and noticed an immediate difference. Everything sounded more organic and the soundstage increased in width... 
Need advice on how to dip a toe into digital
The other option is to pick up a cheap Dac and connect the laptop directly via USB. The Schiit Modi Dac is only $99 and comes with a 15 day money back guarantee. 
Class A integrated Luxman L590AX vs Accuphase e560
For a one box solution have you considered the Devialet? I just saw this at my dealer and its a stunning piece of equipment though I have yet heard it. 
Schiit Gungnir DAC - anyone have one of these?
This thread has definitely peaked my interest. With such a reasonable price I am going to get the Gungnir and compare it to my Luxman. Besides, how I can resist a company with such a good sense of humor? 
Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1
I just auditioned the Raidho C1.1 for about an hour at a local dealer. It was paired with Simaudio Evolution integrated with a MAC supplying music through a Synergistic Research DAC. Cabling was all Synergistic Research and the room was heavily tr... 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
Without a doubt my PS Audio P3 ac regenerator. This had a profound impact on my listening pleasure. Honorable mention: Ayre MXR monoblock amps and Stillpoints vibration management products. 
PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2
Gago1101, I have read the PWD needs significant time to break in. Head on over to the user forum at Psaudio.com for more info.