

Responses from tboooe

Sonus faber cremona versus focal berylium1038
Of course only your ears can make the decision but it sounds like you already made your decision in this comment "Focal's berylium 1038's live and straigthforward sound...I listen to rock or alternative music more than classical." Sounds to me the... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
I contacted Entreq and unfortunately they do not have a US distributor but they are offering a money back guarantee. I am going to have to give this a try. I will report back. 
Peak listening levels-
You guys are animals! I listen no louder than 75db measured at my chair. 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Give a listen to Rumer! She reminds me so much of Karen Carpenter but with a bit more weight to her effortless vocals. 
experiment with isolation??
I use a PS Audio P3 ac regenerator with spectacular results. Each outlet of the P3 is isolated from one another. The benefits of providing consistent, clean power cannot be understated. 
Vicoustic room treatments?
Pdreher, they do have US distribution now. I am in contact now and planning a virtual room analysis. I guess they use some software (Odeon) to simulate acoustic behavior in each customer's room. Their prices don't look so bad either. During my dis... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
It was simple for me....I guess I was lucky. 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Simple, divorce. 
Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
Knghifi, you mention the sound quality is better wired vs wireless. Can you please describe the differences you hear? 
Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
jeffkad, thank you for the recommendation. I don't necessarily want a one box solution for convenience which could limit my flexibility. I actually don't mind having to rip my CDs on a separate pc. I've been doing it for 10 years so its like a rou... 
Cary 306 Pro or Esoteric X-01 LE or DCS P8i MKII
It would be helpful to know details of your system. That being said, if you are after dynamic sound, i would go for the Esoteric. I have owned both Esoteric X-03 then the P3/D5 combo and the Cary 303 and 306. I now own the Luxman D-06 which To me ... 
Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
Jaxwired, thanks for the headsup on the Xonor. My problem is that the CAPS I am going to build (v3 Carbon) only has 1 available pcie slot which I was intending to use for a wireless card because unlike you my media is stored on a NAS so that my ot... 
Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
thanks williewonka, I have considered the mac mini though to be honest I dont have much experience with macs. The solution you propose is definitely attractive. I just hate the idea of getting tied to itunes. Does Audirvana allow you to play FLAC?... 
Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
Mapman, I have heard that the SPDIF available on motherboards or pc cards have questionable quality. I am not sure about the implementation in devices such as players and DACs. 
Goodbye Sonos, hello ????
Thanks Mapman. The more I think about this the more I am leaning towards building a CAPS streamer. I just wish there was a way to get high quality SPDIF output so I can avoid the added cost and clutter of getting a high quality USB/SPDIF converter.