

Responses from stringreen

VPI 3D tonearm
..as for MY 3Darm.... it sits atop my turntable, however, I'm unable to set it up because I need a 200 gm counterweight. Mat promised it to me a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't received it yet. I have my Fozgometer, Mint protractor, etc. at han... 
Vandersteen 5A
I am using 5As and really like them. When I heard the carbons, I couldn't hear much difference (accounting for the difference in amp, pre, etc.) If one is interested in Vandersteens at all, I would recommend a previously owned 5A setup if new ones... 
VPI Super Platter out of square-will it work?
The rim drive VPI MUST have a perfectly circular platter because if there is an out of roundness, the large side pushing up against the drive disc will push the whole turntable away from the motor assembly, and as the platter turns will release th... 
crap luck w/ kimber 4vs
2out....why in the world would you think Audioquest is low performance....not at all true... 
VPI Super Platter out of square-will it work?
Right you are Manorraul.... That's why VPI doesn't make them anymore...also, the sound sucks compared to the new Ceramic or previous Classic platters. Return your purchase as quickly as you can ...it will create havoc with your arm and cartridge. 
Replacing the stock power cable of the TT
I have an "audiophile grade" power cord on my turntable....but only because I had an extra one. Listening to the original and the upgraded cord sounds the same to these ears. 
If you had a Benz cartridge would you let someone
I would listen to CDs in the interim. Judy..If the az in the middle of your name stands for Arizona (I'm in Scottsdale), you are welcome to hear my Benz properly set up. Sure there are other good cartridges, but I have a feeling you haven't heard ... 
Best speaker cables for Harbeth SHL5s
No such thing....borrow as many cables as you can and try them out. You will find the one that suits your preferences/room/equipment/etc., etc. 
Upgrading Turntable
Lindis...what an idiot 
Speaker input, which one, Magico, Avalon, Yg, Rock
Upgrading Turntable
Personally, I think the Traveler is a great bargain. Also, VPI will absolutely give you supper after sale support, is made in USA, and has great trade-in value when/if you ever feel the need to move on. 
Lyra and VPI Scout
Hi Jeff...If your cartridge isn't tracking well, sometimes damping fluid helps. Drop in 1 drop of the fluid - if it sounds better to you, drop another, test again, and another. There will come a time when the last drop deadens the sound. Remove th... 
Grado Sonata1 Ref Vs. Audio Technica AT33EV
Any adjustment one makes to the tonearm (raise/lower the rear end, etc.) means you have to adjust all the other parameters as well (vtf, move the cartridge forward or back in the headshell, check azimuth, etc.) 
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000
SunnyJim....You have been on this site for a while and must know by now that there is no such thing as the proper cable for any system. EVERY system has to be "tuned" so that the components (and room) have to work together to give you pleasure. I ... 
VTF, VTA, SRA, and 92 degrees - question
One also must remember that as the record passes under the stylus and rides the slight (or excessive) warps, off centered spindle hole, etc., the VTA, the VTF, the Bias, etc....all the parameters are constantly changing. All we can do is get it "c...