

Responses from stringreen

Speakers vs. headphones
I find that headphone listening is more of an intellectual exercise, where speakers is more visceral 
Interconnect recommendations, please
No one can recommend a cable for your system. All cables react differently to different systems. Get some that can be returned and listen yourself. 
Purist Audio Design - Dominus Interconnect Cable
Purist Cables are actually quite good. They are highly colored (recessed highs), but have a very expansive midrange...the lows can be good if you're willing to pay for the expensive ones. They very much have a tube sound....if you set up your syst... 
Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners
Thiels are very good speakers, but they can be bright and forward. They are difficult loads for amps. Bryson tends also to be bright and forward. I would look at a used Audio Research, Mac, BAT, the more power the merrier. Whatever you decide on, ... 
Budget Turntable suggestions
Cables more hype than value?
Only value is how cables work with your system....they all sound different....that's why you must audition each cable in your own system. 
Thinking About Upgrading the VPI Tonearm Base
Bif....if you look back, I told you there would be little if any improvement with the tonearm base. If you do want an improvement, get rid of the VPI mini feet, and screw on Bearpaws. Big difference for the better. 
I have an extra XLM ll Let me know if you're interested 
Rega RP3 Bias/Anti-Skate
Also try no Anti-skate at all.... you may very well like that the best. 
Upgrades for Rega P3. Worth it?
You can upgrade again and again only to find that the money you spent could have bought you a better table. 
A question about preamplifiers and headphones
The headphone output is usually an afterthought in the circuit...usually a poor quality chip. I am using an Ayre preamp into a dedicated amp for my 650's with astonishingly great sound. 
Sound room flooring advice needed
Floating a floor will give you unwanted resonances. Carpet over carpet pad on cement would be my choice. Spike the speakers and the equipment cabinet. 
VPI 3D tonearm
Wc65...then get in that mustang and resume your sleep. 
Musical fidelity Nu Vista M3 vs Ayre AX-7e
Bo.... The Wilson Alexandrias will not bring the best in sound regardless of the electronics used. Use Ayre equipment into good speakers (Vandersteen, Maggies, etc) and you will hear that Ayre is preferred. 
VPI 3D tonearm
Actusreus....it seems so very much irks you. Have you heard the Discovery wire? Once upon a time Harry Pearson said that Nordost Valhalla resides in his state of the art system....no longer. The world moves on.