

Responses from stanwal

Cello Pallete/current high end pre
I am using an Audia Flight pre which retails for $7000 but which I have seen offered as a demo for under $4000.It is used as a reference by Constantine Soo [ probably misspelled] who is chief reviewer at one of the internet sites. Made in Italy an... 
Tonearm suggestions
I am using a Rega 1000 on my LP12. Works very well; I bought the Moth OEM version as it is $1200 rather than $2000; only lacks the Rega logo. According to UK reviews they are identical otherwise. I am using Pete Wriggle's VTA adjustor which will a... 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Any speaker that sounds better turned away should just be turned off; why settle for half measures? 
Beware: Unscrupulous potential buyers
I have been getting some strange offers also from buyers with little or no feedback. Be careful out there! 
E&T spider rack knock offs - how bad are they?
Are you sure that FE was the one manufacturing these? Looks more like"The Rack of Silence" or whatever it was called by that Scandinavian company. All of FEs that I have seen had maple shelves. In fact I remember a test by a European site of FE vs... 
Opinion of Quicksilver KT88 60 watt mono amps
I am a SS man but if I were to get a tube amp it would be a Quicksilver based on their long track record and high quality at a reasonable price. 
Cello Pallete/current high end pre
Martin Colloms used it for years as reference until it was eventually surpassed. He has said he still misses the features it has that current preamps lack. Could still form the basis of a first rate system especially if refurbished as E. suggests.... 
Metrum octave vs new Rega DAC vs Eastern electric
I have not heard the EE but have had both the others. The Rega is quite good but the Metrum is better. A friend who mostly uses vinyl was over today and said he liked my digital front end even better than my vinyl; something he has never said before. 
Cable with Neutrik Speakon connector
It is member Zikhmark; see his ad and feedback. I recommend him. 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
Ignore the inexperienced post(er). True; pay no attention to Audiopile who has had far less experience in audio than I have. His knowledge is inversely proportional to his ego. 
Cable with Neutrik Speakon connector
I had a Signal Cable one but it came apart; I now use 2 made by an Audiogon member who use to advertise on here; they are considerably better. I will try to find his name. 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
In general efficiency is inversly related to sound quality. Class D gives you a lot of power in a lighter, cheaper, more efficient package. Good for sub use. High quality Class D amps are not cheap so there is no free lunch. 
Do I need to replace all my tubes at the same time
Not if they are still functioning properly; tube life varies considerably and it is quite expensive to replace all when one dies and unnecessary in my experence. Make sure that the bias is properly set for both the new one and the old ones. 
Value of Acoustic Research AR2's
An AR2 was my first speaker [mono system] in 1962. I can't imagine why you are looking for them; they were fine in their day but their day closed long ago. Any you find will be at minimum 45 years old [ or possibly older; the 2a came out in the mi... 
Lamm ML2.1 with Wilson Watt/Puppy?
The Sasha are not easy to drive; Martin Colloms had trouble with his CJ 350 when he was testing them, only time he ever encountered any problem with it. My friend used the big Lamms on his.