

Responses from stanwal

Linn Basik LVX to ?? for XX2 MkII
I think you will find the P75 is better. I would not put a $750 arm on the Systemdek ; I was a dealer for them years ago. Ittoks often appear on used LP 12s at reasonable prices; or something like a Scoutmaster can be found at a reasonable price. ... 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
While some on here have said that they change the TRACKING ANGLE for different records, even writing the correct angle on the jacket, I don't remember anyone changing the force. I was suggesting you set the anti skate by ear if you want to use it;... 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
I would just get a Shure mechanical one; I have found the digital ones unreliable and prone to failure. Some quite good arms did not have the anti skate calibrated correctly; the Grace 707 provided twice the necessary force if I remember. I would ... 
Listening Chair?
I preferred a sofa for listening also when I was younger but it was for non audio reasons. 
Which Mono Cartridge at around $1,300.00?
The AT 33 ocassionaly shows up on J&R for $400; I use one myself. Both high gain phono stages and SUTs can work well; Bob's Devices SUT is quite reasonable and sounds very good. Which is better? I have no idea; my Basis Exclusive and Naim Supe... 
Anyone in Cincinnati, OH?
You might email Tom Albrechtaudiostud@fuse.net. He has an annual audio gathering and should be familiar with anything downtown. 
Anyone in Cincinnati, OH?
Don't go to Skyline chili; I told my wife how terrible it was, having eaten there before we were married. She insisted on going and then regretted it. There is actually a fairly active audiophile community in Cincinnati; especially compared to Lou... 
Ayre DAC vs Auralic vs Metrum vs Bel Canto
I have been using my Metrum through Apogee Duettas, GamuT L5s and just now Spendor S 100s; sounded great with all of them. CJ 350 and Meridian 605 amps, Audia Flight line stage. 
Musical Fidelity M3 integrated
I bought some also by searching the web by the part number; they were quite cheap for NOS parts. I would not have MF do the upgrade. 
Best vintage Sansui integrated
That series Sansui would put out much greater power at low impedences; the 919 was well above 300 watts at 2 ohms if I remember. It was quite heavy; usually a sign of a good power supply. 
Best vintage Sansui integrated
I had the 919; I think the consensus was that it was better than later ones. The high frequencies were fine on the 919. The AU-X1 was even better but hard to find; I had one of those also. I had these at the same time I was a Krell dealer so had g... 
Musical Fidelity M3 integrated
Actually, he went whole hog and got some Lamm monos. He had a tube Lamm pre at first and then bought the kW line stage I had. His last purchase has been a AR Ref 5 line stage. Needless to say this is a very good sounding system. I hesitate to reco... 
Musical Fidelity M3 integrated
I came to the conclusion along with my friend who owned the Mac. On his Wilson Sasha the M3 was so much better he sold the Mac the next week. Yes, it has internal jumpers; they are short RCA ICs. I removed them when I wanted to try my kW line stag... 
Musical Fidelity M3 integrated
If you are talking about the NuVista M3 any rca ic will do; of course length would be a problem. You could get custom lengths made. I suggest using a Bob's Devices SUT if you are using MC cartridges with the phono stage or a good external phono st... 
Who listens only to vinyl?
My CD, Meridian 200-Metrum Octave, is very good but my vinyl is better. Tables are modified Linn LP 12 with Rega 1000 arm and Basis 2001 with Graham 2.2. Cartridges AT 33EV and Denon 304. It is of course much easier to get new material on CD. Let ...