

Responses from stanwal

Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated, Use as Preamp Only
I have actually used my NuVista M3 in the opposite manner; used the power amp with an external pre amp. This is fine of course. 
Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated, Use as Preamp Only
I would wait for the reply from MF; just because someone has done it without the amp blowing up does not mean it is necessarily a good idea. 
TT Weight Outer Ring vs VPI Ring
I have a TTW copper ring; 600 gram one I think. I used it at the same time as a VPI ring. The VPI, being much heavier, flattened warps better but I thought the overall performance was fairly close. The VPI is quite heavy and harder to use than the... 
Why don't you like Mageplanar speakers?
"I do not like thee, Dr. FellWhy this is I cannot tellBut this I know and know full wellI do not like thee Dr. Fell"Your taste is your taste and asking for explanations will not change it. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I use REL subs which operate below the range of the main speakers and augment the bass of the woofer, not replace it. I find that many who use "subwoofers" run them with a crossover point that is too high. I start rolling off the RELs at 30 Hz so ... 
Powercord on VPI Turntable & SDS ?
I did; thought it made some difference. If I were to change only one it would be from the SDS to the table on the grounds that the SDS regenerated the current and you want to preserve as much of the effect as you can. You can discount my view as I... 
bass traps
I used Ready Acoustics ones with good results; pictured on my virtual system page. So attractive that my wife, who has no interest in audio, had me buy some more for the HT room. 
Transparent High Performance Power Link
I am using Transparent on my whole system except a PS PC to my PPP. I forget the model but it is the next to the top one [ $1000 list] or use to be the next. I bought factory refurbished ones from Paragon. They were in excellent shape and saved me... 
Preamps waste of money?
I am now using the Townshend Allagri transformer coupled passive and it is the most uncolored "preamp" I have had. But good transformer coupled ones are not cheap; it is $3000 and the top end over $12,000. 
Accuphase P-300, worth upgrading?
Any change will alter the sound, it depends on what you think of the sound you are getting now. Try listening to it for a while before you do anything. The caps would be the place to start if you want to modify, stay with the same values you have ... 
Why don't you like Mageplanar speakers?
Have always sounded bright and unnatural to me; I used Quads for 30 years and Apogee also so have nothing against planar speakers. But what do you care what other people think? If you like them they are good and if not they are bad TO YOU! Don't b... 
Richard Gray and Transparent: compatible?
I have Transparent on all my gear, including my CJ 350 amp, and have never had any problems. I cannot see how they would limit the current as they are of sufficient gauge to cary very large amounts of current. I have also used them on my PPP which... 
Worlds best DAC
It is the CDT-Six disc playing unit , which weighs 36 Kg and the Fifth Element two box dac. The latter is a further development of the single box DAC 5 Signature. It used Analogue Devices AD1865 chips, which require two separate main cables."The s... 
Tonearm mounting differences Graham vs.Tri-Planar.
I have a Graham and the arm height is adjustable as it is on most arms; in most cases, not all, only one height board is offered. In all likelihood the same board will work but I have not used a Tri-Planar; is it also adjustable for height? 
Vandersteen 3/3A vs KEF 107.2's
I would stay with the KEFs myself. I have owned KEFs in the past and considered the 107s [got 801s instead] but never considered the Vandersteens so my preference is clear.