

Responses from stanwal

Where to buy Metrum Octave?
You might try direct; explain the problems you are having. I bought mine that way ; there was a long wait but well worth it. 
Faceplates Silver or Black???????
Get black; when it dies it won't have to change. 
Local dealer has ESP
Find one that has ESPN. 
Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2
I got it yesterday; it sounds great. 
High Capacitance Phono/Tonearm Cables?
Use the DB; without the extra capacitance the Shure will exhibit a drooping midrange response. Disclaimer; I was a DB dealer 30 years ago; bought ONE of these kits and sold it a couple of years ago. They haven't actually gone up THAT much compared... 
Why does your turntable sound the way it does.
Why does a car drive the way it does? Air in tires might be wrong pressure; wheels might be out of alignment; ignition might be malfunctioning and so on. Complex mechanical systems can be out of alignment in many ways. When the Hale telescope on M... 
Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2
I am getting a Townshend Allegri; already ordered. I have used several passives and have a couple of good ones now but I felt that the transformer coupled ones were the way I wanted to go. 
North Carolina Audio Club
My wife lived outside of Franklin NC when we met 8 years ago: we looked for a house in Asheville, Brevard and Hendersonville before we moved up here 6 years ago. She has wanted to come back ever since and we have found a nice house in Waynesville.... 
Who uses high end TT setup for vintage records ?
The other day I played a new LP and followed it with TIME FURTHER OUT ; an LP I have had since the mid 60s. The surfaces sounded quieter and the sound was comparable if not better. With new gear I hear things that I had no idea were there; I have ... 
Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2
The arm leads from the Rega 1000 are hard wired to give a direct signal path from the cartridge clips to the RCAs; that is no intervening DIN plugs etc. I use a 2006 ASR; some have found it better than the new one but I neither know nor care which... 
North Carolina Audio Club
I am moving to Waynesville this fall and would like to meet other audiophiles in the area [Asheville, Hendersonville, Waynesville]. 
Wilson Audio Sasha break-in time ?
Judging from my friend Dave's experence it takes quite a while; keeps getting better for a long time. I would say a few hundred at least for best performance. 
Unipivot tonearms less forgiving of Vinyl quality?
There is a current thread on Pinkfish on this subject if you are interested. 
Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2
I used a Cardas GR balanced with good results with my Graham 2.2. Now using a Rega 1000 which has captive cables. I also leave mine in the line position when not listening. Once in a while I forget to switch and wonder why the system is not soundi... 
LP12 owners: Anyone try the Tiger-Paw Khan yet?
Ordered one today; had a long conversation with Roger. He is very knowledgeable and a joy to converse with. Will report on sound when I get it set up.