

Responses from stanwal

Does the speaker port limits the woofer excursion?
Manitune is correct. The idea of a port is to relieve the back pressure on the woofer and allow it to move farther than in a sealed box according to all the discussions I have read. Air rushes out of the box at the frequency the port is tuned to. ... 
Coax or USB between transport and DAC?
I would use coax; USB connections appear to be more variable than coax. 
What happened to Krell
Dan D. is out and has a new company. However, Krell remains one of the best amps; FAR better than Mac IMHO. The new line, 402e for example, are the best sounding amps they have made so far. The current Chinese made 300 series integrated amp is bet... 
Audiogon sellers, please stop and read this thread
Nothing new under the sun. I remember buying a demo pair of Apogee Duetta Signatures from a high end dealer in Atlanta in the early 90s; I had paid for them and they were sending them air freight collect to Knoxville; I got a call telling me that ... 
Tonearm Ideas for Garrard 301 Rebuild
The 12" version of the Jelco might also be considered. I have the 9" version of the 750 and it is quite good. 
Amp design logic
A friend makes tube preamps by hand; when I bought one in the late 80s the price was around $1000. He investigated producing them commercially but found that setting up an actual production line would result in them having to retail at $3000 to $4... 
Amp design logic
Look at car prices; a Kia, Mercedes and Rolls Royce all have 4 wheels, a seat and will get you there but the price differential is enormous. Remember that construction cost usually equals 10% of selling price; the rest is overhead and profit. If t... 
Configuration Questions
Creek also makes a remote volume control with no active circuitry. I have one of them as well as a 22 passive pre I use with my HT set up. 
technics SP-25 armboard
They had either 2 or 3 aditional arm wands designed for heavier cartridges but they would be hard to find, although I did see one a couple of years ago. I had an EPA 500 in the 80s and it is a great arm. You could add mass to your counter weight i... 
naim DAC-Thoughts?
It is a very good dac, I shopped for one for several years. But the Metrum Octave which I now use is considerably better at a fraction of the price. 
Configuration Questions
I do not understand your post. If it is an integrated amp then it has a volume control; what is it you are setting at 1.5 if not a volume control? Why do you need to use 2 preamps; that is what you are doing? Do you mean it does not have a REMOTE ... 
technics SP-25 armboard
I have one about that size; I use to be a Technics dealer when the SP-25 was new and had some of them. Is the armboard black by any chance? It is probably for another table but just don't remember. 
Integrated Tube Amp for Spendor SP7/1 $1000
I would also look at some of the classic American tube integrated amps being offered by Mapleshade. They have been rebuilt by a very competent hand. 
Metrum Octave First Impressions
I really like mine. 
Is there a fined Solid state Pre Amp for under 8k?
I use an Audia Flight; list is $7000 and often available for considerably less. There is a long review on one of the on- line mags; Dagogo I think. I really like it. It has a Class A output stage and both balanced and RCA outputs and is quite attr...