

Responses from stanwal

Isolating my speaker stands
The possibilities are endless. Hockey pucks under the stands are very cheap and decouple to a degree. Inflatable rubber tubes are better if you can find any that fit but stability is a problem. Roller bearings are good but can also have stability ... 
wall rack and different shelf materials under TT
The Linn is a special case;I have a Star Sound Sistrum rack that is very heavy but the Linn sounds better sitting on a very old Russ Andrews Torlite stand which sits on top of another stand. Rube Goldberg but it works well. Linn advises that a lig... 
Focal Micro Utopia + REL or 1028be II ?
I had the Mini Utopias used with and without my pair of Stadium subs. They were excellent speakers but I have a preference for soft dome tweeters. If you can find a pair they would be an excellent choice in the Focal range. 
Speaker placement question-
When we selected our new house [ in the process of moving] we made sure it had a basement room, as our present house does, that my wife was willing to cede to me to do as I will with. The living room is her territory; in fact the whole main floor ... 
Worlds best DAC
It was reviewed in HIFICRITIC, I will locate it and post. In the process of moving to Waynesville, NC from the Louisville, Ky area and things are disorganised at present. 
Worlds best DAC
The Zanden gets a very good rating on the HIFICRITIC performance scale, 105. However the new Audio Note gets a rating of over 400 on the same scale; let us all buy one. What was the price again? Oh, 192,000 pounds. Left my loose change in my other... 
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?
I got the price from a British forum which started talking about the Alexia and went on to denounce 200,000 pound speakers. Apparently the topic had swiched to the Alexandria without making the transision clear. Everyone went on talking as if they... 
Speaker placement question-
From the center of the driver in some cases; this is the way the Cardas site does it. From the edge of the speaker in others. In other words, there is no way to tell unless the reviewer states which he is using. 
Table/Cart Set Up - By Ear or Test Record?
Align it with test record, protractor, whatever to begin with and then adjust to taste. I don't claim to be an expert but have been doing it 50 years now. Experts differ on just about every aspect of alignment. SRA for example; some say the arm sh... 
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?
If you don't have really good electronics you will never know how good the Sasha are. They are a very difficult load and many amps just are not up to driving them. I have heard my friends with different amps and the differences were striking; and ... 
In Illinois, who can professionally set-up my Linn
You might want to consider a Sole sub chassis, I have had very good results with mine. Also use his armboard. Not that much money for the sonic improvement. 
Recommended coax cable for Metrum Octave
I am using Transparent Reference with mine, may well be the best but list price is higher than the cost of the Metrum, I bought mine on ebay. Clearer Audio Silver is also very good but not cheap either; paid around $290 for mine new with shipping ... 
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?
It does not look like the Alexia will be a viable alternative to the Sasha unless the price is much cheaper here than in England. The price over there is suppose to be 200,000 pounds; or $300,000 or more depending on conversion rate. May be a grea... 
Graham Phantom1, Kuzma Stogi Ref, Naim ARO
I have the Rega; I also have a Graham and have had a FR 64fx years ago. Frankly I would just as soon have my Jelco 750 as the 64. Have also had the 309 and IV. I went with the Moth version which you can get new for $1200. Can add a Pete Wriggle VT... 
How would you rate Luxman Turntable PD121 or PD272
The big belt drives are the ones to get; 300 and 444 if I remember correctly. Probably harder to find.