

Responses from stanwal

Best amp for bowers & Wilkins PM 1's
My friend is doing it the other way; he got a Parasound A21 and intendes to get PM1s to go with them. 
Weak Bass from my SP 1/2s
I also use RELs but the Spendors can have good bass. Back in the early 80s I use to use SP 2s to demo Krell amps when I was a Krell dealer. But I had a live end/ dead end listening room with a concrete floor. 
Weak Bass from my SP 1/2s
I have the same speakers but do not have this problem. Right now I am using a 400 watt amp on mine [CJ 350]. This is overkill; my other speakers need it. I suspect your amp is the problem. I have driven SP 1s with a lot of amps and never had bass ... 
How far can room treatments solve boomy bass?
They can make it better at least. How much they can do depends on the extent of the problems. 
Parasound Halo A21 - Power conditioner?
I use a PPP with my CJ 350; which draws even more current than the A 21. It sounds better through the PPP; have also used a Quintet and a Shunyata with good results. But there is NO substitute for trying it out yourself! 
Phono recommendations for Koetsu
It is a matter of taste; the only Koetsu I have sold so far[ a Vermillion] is being used with a Tron phono stage [tube] and works well. But SUTs work also and Audio Note makes some good ones. Their top one is fantastic by all reports but mega $. T... 
Review: Synergistic Research PowerCell 10 SE Mk II AC filter
I use the MIGs under all my electronics. However, I did not care for the SR cables when I heard them in a system here in town; the owner eventually sold them. He had both speaker cables and ICs; several of us thought that my Cardas GR speaker cabl... 
Cart suggestions for Avid Acutus
It would help to know the rest of your system. 
One sub or two?
This has been gone over many times, check the archives. One is good, two is better. I went from one REL to 2; REL recommends two. How on earth Phase could declare "the bass wave from one sub will be more than adequate" is beyond me. As if all subs... 
VPI Traveller
My point was that it is hard to comment on something you know nothing about. I have faith in Harry but I would at least like to see one before comparing it to existing models. IF it were me I would look first at something like a used Scoutmaster; ... 
Speaker Cable Different for 8ohm vs 4ohm
So that is what a dead short is! I always wondered. 
VPI Traveller
If you don't know the arm mass or any other details, let alone having tried the arm, it is hard to recommend cartridges. I haven't received any dealer info on it yet. If it is a medium mass arm the Black should work but that is a guess as opposed ... 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
The Grace info came from tests done in the 80s on the 707 by Martin Colloms and Paul Messenger; following the dial gave twice the force indicated. I just bought a cheap electronic gauge from Hong Kong, showed a tracking force 1.5 grams more than t... 
Speaker Cable Different for 8ohm vs 4ohm
The 4 ohm speakers may draw more current than 8 ohm ones so larger cable and/or shorter runs may help. I have never seen any difference myself with decent speaker cable but could make a difference in some circumstances. 
Anyone in Cincinnati, OH?
If you have a view of the river the suspension bridge over the Ohio was built by Robling before he did the Brooklyn Bridge. There is an interesting museum in the old train station if I remember.