
Responses from sounds_real_audio

High end speakers without bi-wiring?
I think a lot of this has to do with just being concerned about good speaker wires. Someone who is going to bi-wire their speakers is spending extra. Usually bi-wire should be and is lower gauge or thicker before they terminate. This heavier wire ... 
will they go louder
It would be cheaper to upgrade your fuses.... go with 10 amp slow blows. Get rid of your son as well. 
Help me find violin and cello related
You will love the Red Violin. This is the sound track to the movie which is exceptional.... Presence to cry for... 
Which components are "stupid good"?
The deHavilland Ultraverve preamplifier...Wait for it.......Wait for comes the audiofeel 
Can Redbook CD Be Saved
Maybe you need a better CD Player 
Amy Winehouse.RIP
What is incredible is that she obviously had severe mental health problems and everyone knew about it, and yet no one could change the course she was on. Lots of talented people in this category. The tragedy is not that she died the tragedy is tha... 
Subwoofer for Wilson Maxx2
AudiofeilI have absolutely no financial interest what so ever. Mgmmgm lives in Hong Kong and that is a little outside my territory. I know you are an international dealer but I am not. My opinions are no more biased then anyone else on Audiogon. T... 
Please identify this speaker
I think I have listened to speaker at a friends house. It is the, now discontinued, Yoshishoshiro. These are fabulous speaker originally made in Japan until 1997 when the cost of manufacturing became to high, after that they contracted with a plan... 
Subwoofer for Wilson Maxx2
Wilson Benesch Torus. 
esoteric x-05 player
Just stick a cd in it and hit the repeat all button... come back in a month. Regarding your system, wouldn't it sound better if you put those amps near the back wall and brought your speakers out into the room? 
My love of music is killing me.
Thanks for the advice, just hugged mine today.Perhaps you should take a break from music for a while and get involved in a new activity something that involves being with other people. Sports, cards, yoga. Reach out any time you feel the need.The ... 
speakers under 1,500 excellent top to bottom sound
Keep the speakers and upgrade your CD player or amplifier.... 
Do you ever doubt you ears ?
The point here gentlemen and Elizabeth is that if you have a set up in your home and you have a couple months to listen, then no, your ears will not lie. A few hours in a dealers show room, or at the CES show can be deceptive. 
B&W at the Indy 500
B&W must be making a few $$$$$ 
Do you ever doubt you ears ?
What you describe is the way the equipment has been marketed over the years. A company comes out with a new driver or new amplifier or new upgrade to existing piece of gear. You hear it and you hear "big differences" so you upgrade. Six months lat...