
Responses from sounds_real_audio

State of the art CD player? Only if you do this.
Is it Bluer Anger or Blueranger. I like Bluer with lots of anger. I totally agree. This whole thing is just hype. Speakers, amps, vinyl and of course cd's. We did the RMAF with deHavilland this year and Kara Chaffee brought her new tape head pream... 
Bob Dylan Mono 9 LP
I saw him in concert twice..... am I old? I to old? 
does a subwoofer kill stereo sound?
6550cYour comment spoke to me . People that want more bass are really just not getting enough satisfaction from their system. They seem not to know why, so of course they seem to blame the lack of bass. Bad move...... If the system was satisfying ... 
Have you been Shpongleized?
It sounds like the kind of music I could really be driven crazy by....I must admit however the I might enjoy being Shpongelized, if only to blog about it to unsuspecting audiophiles. 
does a subwoofer kill stereo sound?
It could kill you enjoyment of the music. Very easily. 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
I think the biggest turn on for my wife is when I mop the floor. Am I getting old. Soon audiofeil will jump in here and say I have to make a disclaimer.Hey "Theunderlyingtheme" great moniker but I suspect there is something behind, or below it. Ar... 
Esoteric K-01
AudioethicNot sure I can live up to your high? standards.. 
Esoteric K-01
Haven't heard it yet. The retail is $22.500. I am still a fan of the X-03SE. 
Focal Scala Utopia Owners - I Need Your Help
Besides getting more bass is there anything else your current speakers are lacking, in your opinion? 
Transmission Line Bass
In the late 70's I built a pair of Frieds 12" subs, I think they were called the OM12 or OM2's. Can't remember. I thought the bass was very realistic sounding. Deep bass sounded like real instruments. The only problem was it was a little slow so p... 
8 ohm speaker that sounds like sonus faber
Well you might consider the Wilson Benesch. They are 88db sensitivity and very tube friendly. I use no more then 45 watts to rock. I assume it is Ok if they sound better then sonus faber.We have shown with the Wilson benesch Curves at the RMAF for... 
Focal Scala Utopia Owners - I Need Your Help
Lucky boyMy bigest concern here is your moniker. With your in-laws living in your basement not sure I would call you Lucky boy.I may not be the best one to do the talking here however, I live in the basement and my soon to be ex-wife lives upstair... 
I am openning a shop. What equipment should I sell
AbucktwoeightyYou are so right. Just sell stuff you have never heard. The reviews say it is good so it must be. Seriously I think a lot of these on line retailers must do that. GoldeneraguyThank god for food stamps.......people come to listen and ... 
Auricap Upgrade for Belles 21A
Isn't that pre bright enough as it is? 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Well........women, single or married like to talk. If the speakers look like they would interfere or do interfere with conversation, however one sided then they will freak out....Where is Elizabeth when we need her?