
Responses from sounds_real_audio

Speaker for Rogue Cronus Magnum with high WAF
Check out the Sonist Recital 3. at am a dealer but don't let that sway you. 
Most forgiving high end speaker 10k-20k?
Any body heard from Jeffkad lately? 
Faster alternative to the ASR Emitter?
Check out the deHavilland 50A's. They have the qualities you are looking for. Our shop has shown with them at the RMAF for years so if you read the show reports on the deHavilland website or our web site, you can read what revi... 
Most forgiving high end speaker 10k-20k?
If you did get the worlds most forgiving speakers they would probably put you right to sleep. I have been in love with the Wilson Benesch Curves for about 8 years now. They do everything you are asking about. Extraordinary on good and great source... 
Cary 805, deHavilland or Atma-Sphere? Anyone cares
Did you ever get to hear the deHavillands? 
Tube Integrateds...why not a preout for subs.....
A lot of good subs use a high level input that comes off the speaker binding posts, so maybe you don't need a dedicated sub output. 
what to buy under $500 bi wire spkr cable
Need to know how long a run you need, the price goes up the longer you go. 
Esoteric K03
BadwisdomYou should go totally to vinyl. Dealer disclaimer. 
rega P5 with dynavector 10x5..which phono?
I think the P75 is the way to go. If you upgrade cartridges later you won't need a new phono stage. Dynavector dealer 
Esoteric K03
My unit has been quite. If I am stand close without music playing I can barely hear it. 
Interested in a pair of B&W 802D Audiogon notes re
Where do you live? 
Infinity Black Widow
It has been a couple of years since I owned one, perhaps 25 years, but I think if you just look closely and you don't see any strands running the length of the arm then you have an aluminum tube. The fiber runs down the shaft like a graphite golf ... 
6sn7 and 12sn7 octal preamp for under $5k
The deHavilland Ultraverve is pretty good. for show reports and reviews. I am a dealer so if you like what you read give me a shout. Jim 
The best integrated amplifier
I don't think the British sound, the MG-20's are made partly by Tannoy and tuned in Scotland, can ever be accused of "rocking out" 
Bricasti M1 - where is the music
ChesebertI think that you point out perhaps the biggest problem with selecting audio equipment. You just need time to really determine if you love the sound or not. Does it move you, is it involving, is it satisfying? It appears that Bricasiti has...