
Responses from sounds_real_audio

Disappointing Evening
You should have served more liquor,, much more. 
Sound mystery
What turntable etc. do you have? Does it really sound worse or just not as good as the CD player now? 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
GregI think it depends on our type of music.. Speakers that are engaging. At our shop we love the Wilson Benesch. In the past we have also enjoyed the Nola's. With your Joule Electra preamp you must be a tube lover, and that means spaciousness and... 
Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.
This may be Much Ado About Nothing. I don't imagine you are going to place your speakers along the 22 foot wall and in about 3 feet from each side. I suspect you will place them about 9 feet apart and set up your listening area about 9 feet back f... 
Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist
Liz Wright is pretty good... 
Who is the World's Best 'New' Female Vocalist
Lady GaGa? 
Work a nice tube integrated amp into my system?
Keep the amp and get some good speakers...... 
How do Dunlavys compared to new stuff?
Meadow man. Here is a quote from a review.And how was the Dunlavy's deep bass? Stupendous! Measured anechoically, the SC-IV/A's rated -3dB point is specified as 20Hz, compared to the SC-IV's 33Hz. Keeping in mind that going from 40Hz to 20Hz repre... 
Holes in back panel of speakers
I would check for termites.. before filling those holes. 
Affordable digital players
We should say $2,000, 
Is the Phile sound an Aquired taste.
Yes there is an audiophile sonic and yes most people do not posses it. It takes years of listening and much dissatisfaction with equipment to achieve what I like to call the highest level of listening pleasure. Not many of us out there who attain ... 
Anti skating SME V
This could happen because as the stylus first touches the grooves it has hardly any tracking force on it until it settles in to its set tracking force. You might try lowering the stylus closer to the first music grooves. The edge of the records ha... 
How do Dunlavys compared to new stuff?
I don't think they are current. They focus on frequency response, extension at both ends and don't really serve the music. There are new and much smaller speakers that would serve you better. Might even prevent a divorce. Think it through. Good luck 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
AlThank you for exercising restrain in your response. Jim 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
To me a point source if well executed should sound more coherent with much more focus. I have no idea why anyone (except Al Porter) would go down this road. Instead of ten tweeters why not use just one? Let me know if you disagree and tell me what...