
Responses from sounds_real_audio

Wow, everything posted for sale is ''light use''??
I guess as they say "you don't have to eat the whole egg to know it is rotten"sell it and move on... 
Recommend an amp for two sets of speakers
Well this is twice as difficult since you have two sets of speakers. 
Why do you Pick a Certain Speaker producer?
I listen to opinions on audiogon and the buy... 
Anti Skating adjustment
So when the anti skate is set to 0 you still get some deflection? 
Sonic atributes ultralinear vs tetrode vs pentode
I think that Pentode tends to have more drive, not sure you need that but you might. 
Best sounding Santana debut and 3rd album
On the subject of Santana does anyone know song and cd where there is a lady singing with him, a duet I believe but not sure he sings..long time since I heard it.ThanksJim 
Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha
Honestly Ricred1If your source is the Rega CD player and you are upgrading speakers, you need therapy and your X wife needs a bigger alimony settlement. 
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig
Well I have lots of opinions but I rarely pay any attention to them..rather I prefer to wander in the opposite direction, not really wander but to wander is to be human and to be human is be confused and to be confused all you have to do is listen... 
Phono preamp to amp question
This is why God put dealers on this planet. So they could resolve these most difficult problems.. 
Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha
Perhaps a new CD Player would make a bigger difference and more of an improvement in your system then the Sasha's. It is never fair to totally blame speakers for not providing the sound you are looking for.Jim 
Phono preamp to amp question
So you are wondering if you can just plug your phono stage into one of the inputs in an integrated amplifier? I would think so, just don't plug it into the phono input then you will have a double RIAA curve! 
Upgrade Sota Comet or buy a used table?
I would think you would be much better off staying in the Sota line. trade them your table for a better Sota...a refurbished Sapphire or Star... Good company 
Bandwidth question?
So what is your concern? Do you feel like you are missing something in the high end? Air, space around instruments? Not always the amplifiers fault. A super tweeter might resolve issues. There is a good article on wide bandwidth here:http://wilson... 
Album Of The Year 2011
My "years best" is Voice Of My Beautiful Country by Rene Marie..Very well recorded with front to back layering and wonderful songs.Listen at. 
What do cartridge problems sound like?
Have you cleaned the stylus? Check the tracking force? Checked the antiskate? Don't make us do all the work here.