
Responses from sounds_real_audio

Buying Tubes Again; Maddening
I would try a different phono stage. If tubes are properly respected by the designer they should last a long time. 
Anyone have/heard Cerious Tech. React1 speakers?
If you are after carbon fiber speakers why not go for the Wilson Benesch Trinity's. The real a dealer we had them at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in 2007. 
Which speakers for McIntosh tube amp MA2275-Why?
I know the speaker you are looking for. It will exactly fulfill your requirements for huge sound stage, high degree of transparency and low distortion. It is located at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest which is a terrific hi fi show in Denver October... 
For real bass freaks??
What the heck was Wbs doing at a Hempstalk fest. And what is a Hempstalk fest anyway. And why wasn't I invited? 
Help me find violin and cello related
LrskyAre you coming to the RMAF this year?Jim 
HELP-woofer moves alot when playing lps
Switch on your low pass filter.... that will solve the problem.. 
speakers for tube amp
The has been a real shortage of reputable people lately but you could try.... 
Speakers that are RAP music proof
Oh boy. Now we are talking here. Give me more bass, lots more bass. Opium for the masses....... 
Help me find violin and cello related
Anyone heard from leskiem lately? 
RMAF 2011: Any tips?
Not sure what your goal is when you attend but even though there are lots of rooms you should be able to get through all of them pretty quickly. Take a few notes of the rooms you like. On day two if you have made it around you should have narrowed... 
will they go louder
No really stay with the recommended fuses. You might just move your listening position closer to the speakers. More volume and cheaper then new speakers. 
RMAF 2011: Any tips?
I recommend that you start the show on the main floor. There is a large atrium and rooms on the West side. Larger systems,,really large. Start there. Also rooms in that hall way that goes behind the elevator, the Conifier rooms and a few more. The... 
Bass Response
Do you hear more bass or does it just sound like more because you are not hearing all the highs which tend to be more directional? 
Assistance with Coincident set-up
upgrade to a nice 845 amp. More dynamic. 
RMAF 2011: Any tips?
I usually try to steal a reviewers badge. Then when you go into a room they play what ever CD you may bring. They also reward you with their "top self" liquor. They keep it in the bathroom under the sink and it usually not visible to the average s...