
Responses from sonofjim

Vandersteen Model 7s?
I'm surprised that the wood vaneers won't be an option(if this is true). My 5As are gloss black which was my wife's idea because it fits in with the decor of our basement. Although I wouldn't have chosen it initially, I now really like it and she ... 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
I agree that this whole thing seems a little suspect. I imagine there's more to the discontinuation of this than just production costs. I can't say that I know that there's any risk of LP damage because I haven't used it. Based on the disatisfacti... 
Cartridge upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster
This is all to true. The lure of new hardware is often very strong. It's easy to forget that, even in the face of brand loyalty and bias, (as we see here commonly) implementation of the equipment is far more important than what it is. As long as y... 
Cartridge upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster
I upgraded to the 10.5i from the 9 sig and have never been sorry I did. I don't have a problem with VPI arms myself at all and in fact enjoyed the 9 sig also. My favorite part of the 10.5i is how much easier set up is with the VTA knob. I level th... 
Cartridge upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster
Agree with Stringreen. I enjoy the Benz LP on the 10.5i very much. Whether or not anyone else beleives it's optimal is superfluous. Realistically, no other true audiophile will ever hear my system so why should any other opinion matter? Recent com... 
Periphery Ring Clamp & Cartridge Compatibility?
I have a Benz LP/SSM and have plenty of room on the lead in even with the clamp. I guess I didn't realize other companies were making ring clamps. 
What is your cartridge and tracking force used
I actually forgot about the fine tracking force adjustment and will experiment with that. In the past, I've found it doesn't change the VTF much but for these tiny adjustments it should be just the thing once you're in a good range. This morning I... 
What is your cartridge and tracking force used
I agree it is somewhat tiresome to mess with the VTF/azimuth on these arms. That's why when it's sounding good I tend not to mess with it too. Trying to change VTF by one or two hundredths of a gram would almost be insanely tedious. Luckily I find... 
What is your cartridge and tracking force used
Stringreen, Just rechecked the LP and the VTF is actually now reading 2.03. I was a bit surprised by this but I've been really enjoying the sound lately. The suggested range goes up to 2.2 and of course VPI recommends tracking on the heavy side, e... 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
$40,000 is a lot of money but is about half what the new Wilson Maxx 3 costs ($70,000). Still a comparison of these two speakers isn't really fair. They should probaby be compared to the $150,000+ Alexandrias. Knowing Vandersteen, I'm sure the des... 
Walker Audio Prelude Record Cleaning Question -
Also look in the yellow pages. There's probably a lab supply store closer than you think. You'll save on shipping and won't have to buy so much at once. The Nerl bottles do post an expiration date although this is probably of little significance i... 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
This is all very interesting. Is the price of the 7A indeed $40,000? It seems quite a jump in price from $18,000 for the 5A. I think it's more than I could justify on speakers at this point. The upgrades may be tempting especially if they were cus... 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
I've decided for now that I'm not going to trust this thing either. For one thing, I'm not sure how much advantage it offers and Intuitively it sounds risky. Based on the lack of buzz on the subject I'm wondering if others have decided the same. 
What is your cartridge and tracking force used
Raul,I haven't experimented with all those tiny increments in VTF. I use a digital scale that reads to the hundredth of a gram so I report what the readout says but I'm not sure how important hundredths of a gram are. I do have the other parameter... 
Walker Audio Prelude Record Cleaning Question -
A good compromise would be to buy type I reagent grade water at a lab supply store($17 a gallon instead of $64 for Walker's ultra pure) It's the same thing, maybe better. I think it's made a difference for me but I also was happy using distilled w...