
Responses from sonofjim

$ 2500 ....Stay with Vandersteens ??...what else ?
I would definitely stay with Vandersteen if you're already happy with them. The differences that other speakers present are only due to one form of coloration or another in my opinion. No other speaker line goes to as great a length to minimize co... 
VPI tone arm set up
You can get good results with either the VPI jig or the Mint Tractor. In the end though, the results with the Mint tool are significantly better and much more reproducable. With the VPI jig, I could always talk myself out of thinking I had it righ... 
VPI Rim Drive
You may have missed this in the above post, 8-9 I'd say. I don't really think anything deserves a 10 unless it's earth shatterring so that's a pretty good endorsement. Speed stability has normalized and the whole drive is more smooth and quiet wit... 
Vandersteen 5a battery biased crossovers
Thanks,I knew this wouldn't be as simple as changing a flashlight battery. Luckily, it looks like the originals have a life of around 5-7 years so I'm jumping the gun on this more than I thought. For a while I guess I'll just continue to sit back ... 
Vandersteen 5a battery biased crossovers
It makes sense to keep them operational. I just wanted to see if anyone has crossed this bridge before me. Is there anyone here that has actually changed them already and can confirm that it requires no special ability or precautions? 
Power amp Suggestions for Dunlavy SC-IV
I used Dulavys for 10 years with a Krell FPB 600 starting with the IVs and ending up with the Vs. They worked well with the Krell and a BAT VK51se though occasionally this combination got a little bright. My wife could no longer tolerate the size ... 
New record=Bad Sound
I think one mistake I made was in pre-heating the stones along with the oven. Did you pre-heat the glass or put the whole assembly in the pre-heated oven cold. The post I read on this also said not to take it out until everything was back to room ... 
Great sounding new vinyl
Me too. That's the thing about this. You learn more as you go. Now I pass up a lot of the ones I would have bought before. 
New record=Bad Sound
Photodusty,I tried the oven trick a couple months ago too for fun with similar results. At the time, I put the disc between 2 pizza stones thinking that the weight would help flatten the disc. Based on your results I'd say this either doesn't work... 
Great sounding new vinyl
You can't know for sure sure what you have until you clean it and play it but the information on the audio asylum thread can serve as a guide. None of it is a secret but the thread is a nice concise collection of useful information. For example, a... 
Vandersteen 5A
Madfloyd, I'm glad to hear you're considering 5As. As I've said before, I think your amp/pre-amp would be a great fit with them. Look up and see what Hardesty and Buettner have to say about this. They are a couple of reviewe... 
Mint Tractor
Couldn't agree more. This tool has garnered many coverts here as I'm sure you know. Now you can keep it in alignment by periodically rechecking. You'll have better sound than many who've spent many thousands more. That's what's cool about analogue. 
VPI Rim Drive
Mred, You misunderstood what I wrote I'm afraid. When I said I didn't notice a huge change in sound I was referring to the slight speed variation I note when I move or otherwise alter the rim drive. It seems to take around 6 hours or so to settle ... 
Great sounding new vinyl
Hevac1,I'm a little embarrassed to say that I have never learned how to create these links. I just looked up the post on audio asylum though and it's still there. You may have more luck if you click on vinyl to get to the vinyl asylum first, then ... 
Great sounding new vinyl
I don't believe Hot Stampers are snake oil and I don't blame those who prefer to buy records that way. I do believe finding your own hot copies is easier and more fun than advertised. No record is guaranteed to sound good even if it has all the ri...