
Responses from sonofjim

MoFi enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse
Markd51, Your opinions are valued by many of us here and I don't doubt that your results using these products are of the highest quality. I think the reason that there is much dissention on the subject of vinyl cleaning is that there are numerous ... 
What is your cartridge and tracking force used
Benz LP 1.94, Shelter 90x 1.89. No antiskate, just higher range tracking force. Works for me. 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
Madfloyd,Pardon if I've missed this but where did you audition the 5A? Nine hours is a long drive. It seems to me you're out east somewhere. Is that right? For me, even in Iowa, there are two dealers within a 4 hour drive(Milwaukee and Minneapolis... 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
If this all comes to pass, I think I might consider the upgrade path depending on the price. A $40,000 flagship kind of flies in the face of the principles I've come to know Vandersteen for. I've always been impressed that they make a more accurat... 
MoFi enzyme based cleaner and pure rinse
Trite at this point I know, but I think steaming has real merit. Try it I say. What do you have to lose? It's cheap and very reproducable. I use the 16.5, Disc Doctor fluids, and the Perfection steamer from Walgreens. The results are beyond anythi... 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
Madfloyd,The concerns you voice certainly are not the common experience. With a purchase this size I would recommend at least one or more additional auditions. I know you're no where near West Des Moines Iowa but if you ever are the invitation's o... 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
Stringreen,Where have you heard about a Vandersteen 7? I would be interested as to what major improvements have come up that would justify a new model. All I need is that temptation now. 
What's the Best LP You Bought in 2008
It's not new this year but I recently bought the German import of Clapton Unplugged and would highly recommend it. Also the new release of Miles Davis 'Round About Midnight is well done(Speakers Corner I believe). 
Stones: Sticky FIngers.....
I generally reguard Begger's Banquet and Let It Bleed as the best Stones releases sonically but lately even Their Satanic Majesty's Request has been sounding pretty good to me(I found an older one with the 3D cover) Sticky Fingers definitely has i... 
SSM Super Platter help please
It's been a while(1 1/2 years or so)but that sounds right to me. I just changed the bearing and as I recall just used one large steel washer. The heavy platter just slid onto the bearing after that(it was pre-greased). It's probably the easiest(al... 
SRA Isolation Platform under a Turntable
Detlof, More natural and more quiet. That's what I'm talking about. You may have had good tonal balance from the start but it sounds to me like the SRA improved it further. 
Stones: Sticky FIngers.....
Look for a clean original. It helps if it says Rolling Stones Records in the dead wax. Not all of them do. I think this corresponds with earlier pressings. It's harder to find a clean one but I think the sound is a cut above the copies without the... 
SRA Isolation Platform under a Turntable
I can't say how much improvement it would offer in your case because I'm not familiar with your rack. In general though, I would say these platforms offer much more complete isoloation and vibration drainage than even a very good rack. Good isolat... 
Turntable advise needed - Norway callin'
The Raven would be on my short list if I didn't already have a VPI which is also great. Either way, you'll have blissful sound when you're set up. The VPI is more budget friendly but you don't seem to have this problem. What cartridge are you look... 
Zero Stat Gun
As far as cleaning without a RCM, the best way appears to be a hand-held steamer and wipe down with microfiber clothes. There are 2 extensive steam cleaning threads here on audiogon that detail this as well as videos on you-tube. I'm using steam a...