
Responses from sonofjim

Miles Davis, the Cuisinart and other Hi-Fi Horrors
I have four children(oldest is 6). I get up at 4:00 am pretty much every day and usually get 2 full albums worth of peace before the hatchet falls. My favorite time of the day. As a bonus, no one is using power in the neighborhood at that time whi... 
I got a stylus cleaning kit for, but---------
Yes, magic eraser for me too. Cheap and effective. I use 1"x1/4"x1/8" strips. Back to front then lightly on the sides. These pieces are flexible enough that it's hard to apply too much pressure but can still hear the slight gritty sound as it scra... 
Best sounding Krell ?
I've enjoyed the FPB 600 very much but mine may well be for sale here soon. I recently purchased the MX-R monoblocks and will be receiving them soon. Many feel the MX-R is a great match for the 5As. I'm doing the audiogon audition since an ayre de... 
Neil Young Live at Massey Hall 200 g LP,
Apparently the Reprise is exactly the same pressing but half the price of the Classic for those interested. 
Audioengine speakers
I have the Audio Engine 5 in white but not for sale. I use them in an I-pod based garage system. Currently playing them in the basement while I clean records. I find them enjoyable in this application, a great alternative to one piece systems like... 
Questions for Vandersteen 5A owners...
Princebaba, Currently I'm also using a Krell(FPB 600) with the 5As and a tubed pre-amp(BAT VK51se) and it works very well. I've always considered switching to the Ayre MX-R or Audio Research Ref 210s and likely will someday but I think if you try ... 
Crossover designs...
Some of the interviews with Richard Vandersteen from their site explain the basics of 1st through 4th order crossovers (rolling of at 6,12,18 or 24 db per octave)and why he chose 1st order in spite of the design challenges they pose. Pretty intere... 
What is your cartridge and tracking force used
Glad you're happy with the change Stringreen. 
Best sounding Krell ?
I use a Krell FPB 600 and it probably wouldn't be my first choice today(Ayre or Audio Research more likely) but you can get good sound out of the old Krell gear if you work with it. Full class A biasing has it's advantages which I think are often ... 
Cartridge upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster
The voltmeter azimuth adjustment really seems to be a crap shoot without a filter ("low pass" I believe) to eliminate the bounce in the DMM reading. Others have mentioned that this is easily built from Radio Shack parts but I haven't come accross ... 
Vandersteen Model 7s?
Stringreen, Having trouble accessing your pictures. Maybe they didn't get posted. 
Vandersteen Model 7s?
Tdaudio, It looks like the 7 would be the next logical step in what appears to be an amazing system you've assembled. Yours is one of the rare systems here in which all the pieces make sense to me(more than my own). My room is actually similar to ... 
how to clean nasty, dirty finger prints on LPs
Some finger prints leave a permanent mark but I'm finding that most are pretty well eliminated by the combination of Disc Doctor fluid, steam, reagent grade rince, and the VPI 16.5. All these things together contribute and honestly marks hardly ev... 
Cartridge upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster
Srwooten, The 10.5i is an excellent arm from a functional and sonic standpoint. Sonically, I also enjoyed the 9 sig and with enough patience I think it can provide very comparable results. Whether it's cost effective for you is a personal decision... 
Walker Vortex Vacuum Wand for VPI
Rushton, I'm glad you're happy with the wand. I was simply making an observation that, almost at the same time I decided to take a wait and see approach to this thing it was discontinued. As you can see from my post on 11/24 I was then already not...