
Responses from sonofjim

Steam cleaning records 2
Ho72, The 5 gallon Nerl water of which you speak looks exactly like what I've been using in my perfection steamer. It works great and I do trust it's purity much more than the distilled water I was using before. I also use it to rince off and clea... 
Turntable Speed
I also don't see how any turntable could be accurate without a speed controller. I check my speed every day and often have to make minor adjustments with the SDS to get right on 33 1/3. I'm sure a multitude of factors work together to change speed... 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
Chadnliz, Of course the 5a is a great speaker. I think I'm just trying to talk myself out of(or into?) going out and spending big bucks on the 7s. They are one of the more exciting products to come along in a while in my opinion. Sometimes this ma... 
I bought a TT--Need a phonopre
Ericjcabrera,The Cullen mods improve the GCPH futher and they will install balanced inputs if you ask them to. I did this with mine and am now stuck at a point where I don't know if upgrading phono stages would even be worth it. 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
Would I go for the upgrade? Good question. It depends a lot on the price and what others say about the sound of the upgrade as I'm unlikely to hear these myself without owning them. I dread the idea of packing up my 5As and shipping them to Califo... 
How will XLR cables vs RCA effect a phono pre
Thanks for clearing up the gain issue. I was mistaken. Anyway, one of the pre-requisites for any phono stage I buy in the future is that it have balanced ins and outs. Currently, I like the flexibility of the EAR 324 which is similar to my GCPH bu... 
Steam cleaning records 2
Those both sound like viable options. For now I've stuck with the Perfection due to it's history of success and my own familiarity with it. Let me know if you need one. For now they are still available around here. 
How will XLR cables vs RCA effect a phono pre
The XLR will give you 6db of additional gain and is theoretically more quiet. I use balanced inputs and outputs on my phono stage but models with both are harder to find. That being said, over a distance of 2 meters you probably won't notice a hug... 
Which Power amp best for home theater?
I've been down this road. If you have any interest in playing music start there with the front 2 channels. When you find a musically satisfying amp for the fronts filling in the rest is easy. Starting from the perspective of home theater is approa... 
Steam cleaning records 2
The Perfection steamer appears to still be widely available at Walgreens thoughout the Des Moines Iowa area, albeit at a cost of $29.99. I bought an extra as a backup today to have on hand. If anyone is interested in this steamer and honestly can'... 
GCPH straight to Power Amps?
I have some longer interconnects coming which will allow me to switch back and forth between my BAT VK51se and the GCPH for comparison. Should be fun. I tend to agree, the GCPH is a keeper until Ayre has a PX-R at least. 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
This demo would have been worth the trip to CES to me. The only speaker I'd like to hear more right now is the 5A upgraded with the full compliment of carbon fiber/balsa drivers to see how close it comes to that level of performance. It will be a ... 
Phono pre amp
Haven't tried it myself yet but the PS Audio GCPH can drive an amp directly and some swear this is the way to do it. The GCPH is extremely flexible if under $1000 is where your budget lies(or even if it doesn't). 
Is there life after a KXR? Help
Mike, I wanted to buy your KXR, I really did but I just bought the MX-Rs and that's too much at once. On the subject of BAT preamps, I've found them to work very well with solid state amps. I've used the VK 5i, VK 50se, and now the VK 51se over th... 
Best Phono Stage within 2000 $
Curio,I might suggest giving the GCPH a try. With a 30 day no risk trial period I doubt there's much to lose. You might be surprised how good it is. I've had one for three years now and will upgrade at some point but I have a lot of trouble findin...