
Responses from sonic_genius

Burning in of Power Cords
Have found no fast way to burn PCs. Tried 100w, 300w lamp bulbs no diff. Depending on the cord 100-200 hours. Bob Crump say 30-days... 
Any opinions on Signal Cable products?
Signal is a good cable for the money. It depends on the level of performance that you require. I use the power cords in my HT system. 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
Redbeard: You sure opened a can of worms with this thread.IMO; It does not matter how a cable is built, voodoo science, or marketing hype but rather the end result. That is, how does a cable perform in your system. If it is a real improvement enjo... 
What is the optimum rca digital cable length?????
I have not heard any degradation in using .5m and 1m lenghts for digital audio. However, per Ethernet specs 1.5m is correct but that is a local area network. 
PC that wont change my amp's personality ?
If you insist on changing power cords there are two brands that don't add an edge to the sound (IMO) 
Silver DIY Interconnects
I have tried to build DIY cables with mixed results. I did like the challenge. Fact is that the cable mfgs have the edge because of custom fabrication. In many cases you cannot duplicate the best cables because of specialized designs (patents), cu... 
Silver DIY Interconnects
Sean: The voice of reason... 
Cables to mitigate CD glare -upper mids/lower hi's
Cardas for sure. A used pair of "crosses" will help. 
blue circle power cables
At $300, Pure Note Sigma 
Power cords for active speakers--
I own the TG Audio SLVR and Pure Note Sigma. I have used them on subs to power amps with good results. The Pure Note is at lower cost than the TG and is all silver if that matters to 
Suggestions for interconnects and speaker cables.
Your cables are not that bad but if you want to try a few others:Pure Note: www.purenote.comEmpirical: www.empiricalaudio.comSiltech: 
Why do AC cords make so much difference?
The filtering aspects would suggest a shielded cable. I can easily hear differences with unshielded cords, so there must be other factors. If you are comparing to a cheesy 18 gauge OEM cord there is a real difference. Perhaps it is the lower induc... 
Running balanced. Difference between XLR vs. RCA.
IME, I have either heard no differences with balanced lines (1m) or single-ended sounded better. Now if you are running 10m cables there may be an improvement. 
Power cord and Sony SCD-1
I have the Sony SCD-1 and use the Pure Note Sigma, $300. Sounds better than some cords that cost many more dollars. 
Opinions on Pure Note cables
The only cable IMO that beats the Pure Note is the Siltech Compass Lake but you will have to spend another $7000. So for the price ($500) the PN is a steal.