
Responses from sonic_genius

Opinions on Pure Note cables
See my many comments here on Pure Note by using the search function. They will soon be reviewed by Positive Feedback according to a poster on the Cable Asylum. An excellent cable, well worth the money IMO. 
BMI Whale Elite Power Cord for a Tube Preamp?
This a good cord. Easier cords to deal with are TG Audio SLVR or Pure Note Sigma $300-$500 range. Excellent sonics. 
One more Power Cord Needed...Advice?
TG Audio SLVR or Pure Note Sigma are good choices in the $300-$500 range. 
Excellent Audience Customr Service
Add Pure Note to the list. My Epsilon Reference XLR cables developed a cracked shell at the connector (probably my fault). Pure Note sent me a new pair (no charge) within a few days so that I would not be "out of service." I then sent the old cabl... 
Wattgate or Jena outlets?
MOV= Metal Oxide Varistor. An electronic component used in surge suppression.IMO, the Nylon plastic on the Hubbell outlets is more brittle with cryo treatment (piece cracked near screws). This would also affect the insulation resistance of the bod... 
Wattgate or Jena outlets?
I think the Hubbell 8300 hospital grade outlet is best. About $20 through an electrical supply store. No cryo, makes the plastic brittle. 
Pure Note Referrence IC / Your thoughts?????
I own Krell gear with the very revealing ML requests. So far the Pure Note is the smoothest cable in my system. Some folks claim they are better than the Valhalla but that would not be fair since the Valhalla is about six times the price of the Ep... 
Nordost Valhalla - Opinions please
I used to own the Valhallas but now own Siltech Compass Lake. You might want to try the Pure Note Epsilon Ref. as it is more musical and close to the Siltech (which says alot). Pure Note: 
Power Cord for wadia 850
Lost in the Powercord Jungle
You do not need to spend $1500 per cord, IMO. Brands like Elrod, TG Audio, and Pure Note are excellent and affordable choices. 
Warm and Wet cables?
Cardas. Buy them used... 
Transparent Audio cables
Prefer Siltech, Nordost, and Pure Note. I guess some folks like Transparent since the owner drives a Rolls. 
Recommendation for Speakers & Interconnects cables
Pure Note. See my threads and reviews here. Excellent products! 
I need top quality banana plugs.
I believe in like metals, gold-gold for example. If your BPs are gold then use gold bananas. WBTs are locking and sonically excellent. 
Krell Amp Power Cord Upgrade?
"forbids the use of a third party power cord.", utter nonsense, "Mr. D' Agostino."I own Krell. I use the the Pure Note Sigma pc which blows away the stock OEM cord. You can get the cord with the Hubbell 20-Amp IEC.