
Responses from sonic_genius

Looking for the right interconnect
The idea that silver is bright is not the metal but a design flaw (usually dielectrics). This is not the case with Pure Note, HMS, and others. These cables are very detailed and smooth. 
Interconnect help for a NEUTRAL system
I own ML Requests and cable matching is important. I used to own SF gear, SFD-1 MII, Line-1, SFM160 amps. I got my best tweaks trying different tubes. I now own Krell gear and use Pure Note cables. As other posters say, Cardas is warm. 
Why bi-wiring is bad
Bi-wiring is nothing more than a long jumper when you use the same exact cables. I have heard good results using different cables for lows and highs, however. 
Sheilded/Unsheilded Power Cords
I agree with audioengr, shielded power cords are unnecessary. The extra ground capacitance and dielectric distortion is undesirable. 
Review: PURE NOTE SIGMA Power cord
ISTT: With all the hoopla of late about Bob Crump's power cords what is the issue here? I own the Pure Note Sigma power cords and I agree with the Doc's findings. These are great power cords for the money (if you believe power cords really matter). 
Component video cable?
My .02: Try the Pure Note Sigma digital/video cable (75 Ohm)($200). I use three of them for component video. Great color saturation and focus 
Are Nordost really the Rolls Royce of cables?
NO.Rolls Royce: The Siltech Compass Lake G5 interconnects. The Transparent Opus speaker cables.You must have a thick wallet to own these. If you want to experience Nordost there are many on the used market. 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
If you don't believe the cooker works, put your cables on it for week and listen. They will sound horrible until they settle back out. I am a believer. 
Does the quality of the spades matter
Do not use dissimilar metals. Gold-on-gold is preferred since it oxidizes less. Surface area offsets and conductivity issues. 
Here's a fun cable question...............
Transparent OPUS speaker cables, about $30k since the "man" is paying. 
System Setup
Nothing wrong with that. Short i/c's are better. 
What to do when seller does not send item paid for
The fact he does not respond bothers me. Try blocking your ID when you call him in case he is targeting your number. Hope it all works out. 
Electrostatic speaker cables...
I own ML Requests and Krell electronics. I use Pure Note Epsilon Ref. Speaker cables, they have no cap. and low inductance. These were some of the few cables that sound real on my system. I tried Silversmith but they were too bright. 
Power cable question.
My .02. I tried the PS Audio Lab and mini-lab cables and find the Pure Note Sigma PC to be the winner. It is an all silver/Teflon cord: Smooth mids and highs, and solid bass. The connectors are also excellent (Wattgate). I paid $ 
How remove oxydation from spades?
Lemon juice.