
Responses from sonic_genius

Review: Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition Interconnect
I've got a pair on the way to see what all the fuss is about. I thought I was enthusiastic about pure note but I wonder about you guys. Did you guys get a deal on these or what? 
RCA vs XLR which would say is the BEST?????
Lots of variables. Depends on the electronics. There will be a sonic difference just in using different cables. In my experience comparing same brands of cables (1m lengths) RCA is just fine, no benefit from XLR balanced cables. 
Power cable for P600
Even though the power plant isolates very well you still need good power cords. My favs are TG Audio SLVR and Pure Note Sigma. 
Best Power Cord for the Audio Magic Stealth
4yanx: Did the "dedicated thing" almost 10-years ago. Did the job myself. The box was only 10-ft away. Installed a 20-Amp GE industrial breaker. Ran 12 gauge silver-copper/teflon control wire that I bought at a surplus house. Installed Hubbell 830... 
Has anybody else tried LITZ wire for speakers?
I believe Silver Audio uses this type of wire. Contact Max and learn all about it. 
powercords for Welborne Laurels?
The Pure Note Sigma PC with tighten things up... 
What would one replace Nordost Valhalla with??
Pure Note Epsilon Reference. The have much more body in my system. 
Burn in power cord by boiling water??
I use lightning to burn power cords (hey, it worked for Franklin). Now if I could only find some bad weather... 
How long should it take to break in Kharma Cables
As learned here lately on the burn-in posts, 200 hours or more especially if they are silver cables. Both my Pure Note and Siltech cables sounded thin until 200-300 hours. I know people don't like to wait but that is the "nature of the beast." 
Cable run in burn in time
A rebuttal from the man who makes the cable cooker as posted on the Cable Asylum: 
need input about speaker & interconnect cables
Here is my system:-Martin Logan ReQuests.-Krell FPB 600.-Krell KRC/Reference Phono.-Sony SCD-1.-Old VPI table, SME3009 arm, and various cartridges.-All cables Pure Note Epsilon Reference.Take a look at Pure Note, These cables wor... 
Review: Pure Note Epsilon Reference Speaker cable
I am learning that you should NOT cook these cables or you will end up with a thin sounding cable.See my post: 
Burn in time for Virtual Dynamics Cables
Darrylhifi: I am learning that cooking may make things worse. May be better to just let them run-in on your system. See my post 
Cable run in burn in time
I agree with Jayceem about the dielectrics. I do know in the case of capacitors that once they are formed-up they stay that way. I replaced some Solen caps with Hovlands once and when new they were bright and hard. After about 200 hours they smoot... 
Review: Pure Note Epsilon Reference Speaker cable
There is a new review on Positive Feedback for the Pure Note speaker cables and interconnects (FWIW). They say the cables are ultra-transparent yet silvery. I can say that the Pure Notes require...