
Responses from sogood51

Seating distance to Magnepan 3.6r's?
The rear sound wave should be delayed from the front sound wave...not blended. You need at least 10 milliseconds of delay....(so, at least 5ft. out).The 1/3 rule, should be called the 1/3-1/4 rule. As you move the speakers between these two grid p... 
Best U.S.A. speakers?
"Analysis" speakers are of Greek origin.Dave 
Seating distance to Magnepan 3.6r's?
Around 10' out from the rear wall (9.88' to be exact) should give a smooth response in that room. (you can measure to confirm)Place the maggies at 6.18' out from the front wall, and 4.69' on bass panal center, from side walls.I used the "CARDAS" d... 
General Character of Harmonic Technology?
Neutral...won't tame anything.....try CARDAS 
Buying a 10 years old loudspeaker
Replacement drivers are my only worry when I buy old speakers.My speakers are 16 years old, and I know they will need some amount of repair some day...but the parts are there, so I don't worry about it.Dave 
Tube Preamp Question
Different tubes may be in order...I keep a few pair around, just because change is good, every now and then.You could also spread the speakers farther apart, and/or... play with toe-in.Dave 
If money is not a problem
I'd buy a pair of these...around $100,000. 
Monarchy NM24 as a pre-amp -- good enough for me?
I have the M-24, the more early model....(DAC and tube preamp only). I have a tube preamp that is better (Audioprism Mantissa), so I don't use the Monarchy preamp very often.That said, I think it's a nice sounding preamp. (and very nice for the pr... 
Very low speaker impedance
The Apogee Scintilla did come in two flavors, a 1 ohm version, and a 1-4 ohm version (both options, on the latter). By all accounts the one ohm version sounds better.The extra padding down, required on the ribbons, to bring their output in line wi... 
Speaker suggestions:long-wall, somewhat nearfield.
VMPS got it's start in bass issues there. The RM-30's go into (mid-bottom) octave only....30-35hz.I own four VMPS subwoofers. I use two of them with my Apogee Duetta Signatures....all four, for home theater.I'm a dipole guy myself ... 
What is the difference between....
You can use digital cables in place of analog cables....the cost could be a factor?Let your ear be the guide. 
Speaker suggestions:long-wall, somewhat nearfield.
Try to hear some VMPS speakers if you can....what ever model fits your room?.....probably RM-30's.The VMPS are hybrids....easy to drive, great bass....and near-field friendly. 
Apogee Diva
Are Maggies competitive?....look there for your answer. If buying a used pair (not rebuilt)....use caution, because everything in life wears out. Note: You can have them rebuilt to "better than new condition"You need a very large room for Divas (I... 
How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view
You can equate this hobby with others. I know people that are into cars (hot rods, or other fast cars). They spend great amounts of time and money tweaking their hot rods.Well, our stereos are our hot rods...and our sound rooms, are our garage.I a... 
Reconciling conflicting listening interests?
Our taste in music and sound, are all different. Being that as it is, even one single person, has a fairly wide scope of music and sounds, that appeal to the ear. Mood alone, can set the taste of the day in my house.Over the last 35 years, I've co...