

Responses from shadorne

Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
Newbee,Thanks for all the advice. I see you speak for everyone or perhaps you took a poll ;-) 
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
Newbee,Nevermind - I don't think you grasped what I was trying to say. I mean how did you construe what I say to mean that there is "a definitive or only way of setting up speakers and there is only one possible end result"; frankly, I just can't ... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Those who love analog sure love to bash digital....I have yet to come across a thread which started the other way round....when will Analog get the soul of music, what is wrong with analog, for example?I understand perfectly all that tweaking, cle... 
Acoustic TReatments - What, How much, & Where?
There is a common misconception being perpetrated here. The reflected acoustics off the side walls are NOT out of phase and will not destroy stereo image provided the speakers are an equal distance from the side walls and the listener is sitting i... 
Bob Dylan's Modern Times, a new Masterpiece?
Wendell,If you happen to get a chance to compare the two directly through the same system - do let us know...BTW I like Dylan too - just not pleased with the quality of this CD - that is all. 
how do you use an equalizer?
I second Cford and would add that cutting is much safer than boosting signals.An equalizer not only alters phase but cuts your primary signal coming out of the speaker and therefore all the signal you hear (including the reverb, secondary or room ... 
Bob Dylan's Modern Times, a new Masterpiece?
Audiofeil,You are right I am referring to CD and you may be right. The CD may be compressed mnore than vinyl ...another victim of loudness wars... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Ahh well the Analog Blues do go on....it ain't completely dead but it's always pining for the fjords....the good 'ol days of vinyl...would anyone be interested in a slug? 
Bob Dylan's Modern Times, a new Masterpiece?
Wendell,Just compare Modern Times to Bob Dylan's "Oh Mercy", for example, take the track "Man in the Long Black Cold" and hopefully it will become clear what I mean about compression. I find Dylan's voice is uniformly loud clear and monotonous on ... 
Which is the best speaker to buy ?
Totem Forests are pretty good as far as two ways go...although I don't like two ways as they get bigger...(Mid range suffers a little when coming from 6" or 7" cones, IMHO. So the best two ways tend to be on the smaller side of things...)I would c... 
HELP...Bubble Wrap Marks in PIANO BLACK Speakers??
The bubble wrap petrochemicals have reacted with the lacquer or the lacquer was not completely cured when it was wrapped (takes several weeks to cure and it must be able to breathe and bubble wrap could prevent the surface breathing)...a polishing... 
What? Cant hear the voices
Audio compression will help minimize the problem, but is this a solution or a band aid? If you can't hear voice then something is wrong with your speaker quality or you are not properly using the phantom function to send center channel info to you... 
Comparison of $11,000 - $15,000 reference speakers
I am not at all surprised by your choice (given your shortlist). I think you made the best pick there and one that will give you the most enjoyment! 
Bob Dylan's Modern Times, a new Masterpiece?
Do I need better center ch speaker-dialog unclear?
The dynamic range and ambient sounds on movie soundtracks can be a challenge for voice on most consumer speakers. These soundtracks were originally mixed and mastered for high end high $$$ professional movie theatre sound systems(which have much b...