

Responses from shadorne

Genelec Speakers opinions
If clarity, accuracy, dynamics and ability to play loud with correct timbre is your thing... then either is a great choice. Bass will be lean and tight...the 1037C can be soffit mounted for even better performance. (Personally I would go for the t... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
Jea48,Agreed, many love that tube sound....and changing ics and speaker cables on SS gear is not very likely to achieve teh same. 
How to balance tube on top, solid on the bottom?
Many pro power SS amps have sensitivity pots (my Bryston 4B does). You can adjust these to match the level in your tubes.Biamping is probably only worth the trouble if you eliminate the passive crossover in the speakers. I hope you are planning to... 
Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists
Sgt Pepper was indeed a milestone....a studio album that took you on a journey rather than just a collection of songs...IMHO, it kind of helped to create the rock opera era that followed where artists embellished and further explored the concept. 
The Search
Bartokfan,I was wondering why speakers that are designed from the molecular level up, would use a third party driver. However, this may only be marketing talk... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
Newbee,I didn't mean that tubers were trying to fix or flatten tube sounds by changing cables etc... all I meant was that tubes tend to accentuate these changes whilst SS gear often makes these kind of changes almost inaudible.Therefore people wit... 
The Search
Bartokfan,Since many manufacturers use SEAS, the Thors kit must be extremely good and good value, as you remove one step in supply the chain. Ahh, but you completely lose all that marketing hype no full page adds and glowing reviews showing Bartok... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
Keneallyfan,What you point out also explains the fascination with cables more often found with tubed gear...of course with a high output impedance even the speaker cables begin to play a role in modifying the sound coloration...SS amps tend to be ... 
The Search
It is over for me. Speakers that are good enough for extensive use in many of the world's top recording and mastering studios, are certainly more than good enough for me. 
Best Rock Drummers
The most accomplished drummmer I have ever come across is Steve Ferrone...although not well known he can play anything as good as if not better than the best (very rare as most drummers are not able to cross over from one genre to another). Steve ... 
Forums and Manufacturers: Are they here to help?
Consumers do an amazing job of promoting audiophool products that have little value in improving audible sound -I see manufacturers and sales people need do nothing here but enjoy the chic-ching of the cash register. Sadly more manufacturers do no... 
Help ...... excesssssssive sssssssssssssssssssss
I suspect the problem is your extremely unusual choice of amp and speakers. First Watt F1 is a current power amplifier...it will attempt to drive your speakers with a current that is independent of impedance load.Your speakers only have one driver... 
Speakers Like Merlin VSM?
I read one thread were an audiophile was reviewing some world class studio speakers at the manufacturer. The audiophile claimed that there was no bass and that something had been wired up incorrectly out of phase. The audiophile even argued veheme... 
Taking audio too seriously?
Many audiophiles seem like people obsessed with what they eat; those who are always dieting and counting calories, proteins etc. ....they focus on the tiniest details (a meaningless tweak here or there) and completely lose sight of what is good fo... 
Speakers Like Merlin VSM?
This thread reminds me of another heated thread where an owner of an excellent high $$$ speaker insisted that another very similarly designed high $$$ brand of speaker made his "ears bleed". I respect opinions. I also respect people's ability to f...