

Responses from shadorne

What? Cant hear the voices
It is not your age.....this is a common problem with HT in my experience. Much of what you are watching on a DVD was mastered for movie theatres....i.e. for vastly expensive systems with huge dynamic range.....which is obviously why the sound has ... 
High Definition CD or HDCD - What is it exactly?
If mastering engineers would stop compressing music (to make stuff sound good on boom boxes) then HDCD might be of more value. Unfortunately most recordings are compressed to a point where a regular CD has far more dynamic range than is actually n... 
dual subs.....how & where to install?
My two cents....place them at the same distance to your listening position as the speakers....with two full range speakers you have a lot of drivers covering the 20 to 90 Hz range (even after filters)Therefore place one on the left of the left spe... 
best shippers?
Bax just want to make sure that there is someone there when they call to collect or deliver them......businesses are open from 9 to 5 on working days....Bax do not want pick up or delivber to a residence where someone may not be homw all the time.... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Axelfonze,Your point about the recording/mixing/mastering being important is so true. More important than CD vs Vinyl, IMHO.For example, Doug Sax masters were good in the days of vinyl (Sheffield labs) and are even better today with digital....Thi... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Axelfonze,I totally agree with you. Brave of you to enter the fray. Unfortunately whatever you care to point out will be dismissed as "digital dogma" by many on these forums. My efforts to explain what is well accepted by most professionals and su... 
A new analog medium
The Nyquist-Shannon theorem states that exact reconstruction of a continuous-time baseband signal from its samples is possible if the signal is bandlimited and the sampling frequency is greater than twice the signal bandwidth. http://en.wikipedia.... 
Musical Heaven, NOT Audio or Speaker heaven …
IMHO, the speaker is THE most important element of any system. Congratz! 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sean, The point that i was trying to make was not that digital sucks ( it definitely can ) or that analogue is better ( it definitely can be ), but that i ( and several others ) could hear MASSIVE differences between the two. quality analogue rec... 
Unequal length interconnects?
if your preamp has low output impedance and your power amp has high input impedance (typical of SS gear) then cable length should make very little difference. The difference should be inaudible in the majority of cases. The only worry might be noi... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Exlibris,May be your system is very resolving and sensitive to changes. I have never heard the slightest difference in one digital cable from another. 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sean, Take an analogue source, record it onto a CD and then compare the original analogue source to the digital "cloned" recording using the same playback equipment. If you can't hear the difference between the original and the "digital clone", yo... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Exlibris,I have found differences in DAC's but these are usually very subtle, most often a slight difference in the treble and often not enough to make me worry that much. The only relatively much larger differences I have come across are all asso... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Exlibris, I am afraid the IAR stuff does not agree at all with mathematics and science. There are indeed many deficiencies in digital, it is far from perfect;- proper filtering must be applied in the studio prior to digitizing a signal in order to... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sdatch,CD uses Solomon Reed coding to protect data integraty ....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed-Solomon_error_correctionThis means that small analog imperfections have no influence on how the CD sounds, as the data is completely corrected for e...