

Responses from shadorne

Upgrade Von Schweikert VR-4 to Dunlavy SC-IV?
By the way, aside from the usual suspects (Aerial 10T for example), what other speakers are considered good competitors of the VR-4 Gen III? If you want more dynamics, and DAL SC-IV is your reference (I assume you have lots of space), you may wis... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Apparently, XRCD is a better mastering process but has no differences from redboook. 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
lots of a recording's information isn't on the cd at all. that hasn't changed since the inception of the compact disc. no player retreives missing information...your brain fills that in..... Yeah TV's and movies are the same....I can never watch ... 
Upgrade Von Schweikert VR-4 to Dunlavy SC-IV?
Go for it - the SC-IV is a classic in a league of its own, although your VR4's are an excellent speaker too. 
Looking for exceptional monitors for $2000 max
Check out Genelec 8050A Active speakers....they are good enough for George Massenburg! You would need to find a pair of second hand ones to suit your price range...but you did ask for exceptional and exceptional they are. The term "monitor" is act... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
You haven't lived unless you have laid down flat on the floor and kicked your legs to propel yourself around in circles with an air guitar in your hands and with "Back in Black" playing at 110 decibels (average) and screaming all the time Angus, A... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Exlibris,Doug Sax at the Mastering Lab is very good and in very high demand (he has won so many awards). For pop stuff/country, he uses compression like most everyone these days but at least he uses it sparingly. Check him out on Artist Direct and... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Axelfonze,I agree with you that it is the market (cars, iPod's in the gym etc.) that drives the industry to "hot" sounding CD's and nothing to do with the technology or the mastering engineer's abilities. Fortunately movie soundtracks have not hea... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sean,Interesting article about the compression on modern pop CD's. This matches my experience....it all sounds ok in the car or on a boombox but on my system I hear it for what it is....lots of distortion and monotonously loud and dull sounding.If... 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sean,Yeah the percentage is small...I grant you that. 
Music Your Wife Will Really LISTEN To with you ?
Great Big Sea "The Mermaid" 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Sean,I think it is not as bad a picture as you paint....there are some good recording industry people out there...Telarc, Chesky, Naxos, The Mastering Lab....just to name a few of the better known sources of good recordings 
What? Cant hear the voices
Again I reiterate...these sound tracks work in the movie cinema...the only reason they don't work in a home HT is due to poor quality speakers....believe me I have personal experience with both B&W and Bose systems that made voices very hard t... 
Has anyone heard the Rolling Stone Remastered LP'S
Hot Rocks is good....it was nicely mastered. Still sounds rather compressed....but that is often how the Stones intended it to sound! Another good recording of the stones was "Jump back". 
Half the information on CDs is analogue
Exlibris,Your findings match what Bob Katz widely reports...the DAC is where most subtle differences in digital tend to happen. (Clocking from transport is related but in the end jitter can be controlled at the DAC with appropriate design)