
Responses from sedond

I promised myself I'd never do this
jeff, don't overlook a melos preamp, if you can find one used. i got a melos music director a few months ago, & it's fantastic! unbelievable dynamics, great frequency extension, plenty of gain (the current owner of melos sez ~25% of melos owne... 
Help! Need amp recommendations.......
hi,sorry for the spam, but have i got the amp-n-pre for you! :>) seriously, this stuff will smoke the b&k, or comparable gear. i have an alchemist kraken amp& kraken preamp currently f/s on audiogon, asking $445 each. these units are ab... 
CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
carl, it's simple - you can verify my claims as to my experience because i tell the truth. if that ain't good enuff for you, so be it - i don't really care whether or not you feel i'm making this all up, that's your hang-up, not mine. as i said be... 
Audio Research 100.2 amp
khokugo, forgive me, but i'm not sure what it is you refer to, when you ask about articles *on this*. my opinion about the 100.2 being "clandestine" cuz its a ss amp made by a company known for their toob-stuff is yust that - an opinion. my experi... 
CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
carl, i will address each of your statements, one by one "I AM decent, and you are a coward!!!" - tell me what i said to deserve such venom from you on theis thread - you consider that decent? as for being a coward, i have nothing to be afraid of,... 
Best sounding preamp under 2K?
coltrane1, as brand-gnu s/f line 3's are now going for ~$2700, it won't be lomg befiore the used ones are at $2k. not that i will be rushing out any time soon to trade my melos... ;~) regards, doug 
Audio Research 100.2 amp
khogkugo, the 100.2 is *clandestine*, cuz it's solid-state, made by one of the reknowned tube mfr's. i've heard it driving a pair of proac 2.5's w/a res-audio cd-50 thru an arc ls-16 preamp - *wery* nice. 
Which sub is better for audio
bsg, the hsu is a nice sub, and the only reasonably-priced (under $3k) unit i'd consider - if, that is, vmps weren't around... :>)regards, doug 
preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn
gmele,no, these don't come up f/s frequently - which is why i bought one when i found it, even tho i had purchased the cary only a couple weeks prior. i'd always wanted to try one - i really liked the sha-gold, which i'd heard before. (this is bas... 
Which sub is better for audio
hi neato, i'm not into h-t, but lotsa guys are. accurate bass isn't as critical in h-t applications... 
CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
carl, i've got nuttin' to prove to yew - if ya got nuttin' to ad to this thread of any relevence, why bother posting? the only thing i'm hiding is insipid comments of yours, from my brother-in-law. he's a decent fellow, & i'm sure he woodn't a... 
Which sub is better for audio
buy *two* vmps larger subs for that money & have *real* bass... 
preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn
david, i paid $1800 for my music director - it was supposed to have all the latest capacitor updates from the ma-333, besides having the alps pots in lieu of the ma-333's photentiometer set-up. but, i guess the old melos, struggling in its last da... 
Best sounding preamp under 2K?
rolf, my recommendation uses 4 6922's, but i still recommend it - i *love* mine! :>) the melos music director or ma333 (the ma333, the earlier version, doesn't have the same caps, but it *does* have the photentiometer volume control, which i th... 
preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn
trelja, remote-control is now mandatory for me in a pre - adjusting the wolume from the listening position is something ya don't wanna give up, once ya have it! ;~) this is especially true in my set-up, where the electronics are in the corner, beh...