
Responses from sedond

Best new amp under $2k?
hey magasam, that's what i like about sam tellig - i could swear that he liked the belles best, even tho he said technically it wood prolly only get a *b* rating instead of the *a* that the m/f amp got... ;~)doug 
Best Sappy Pop Music for Audiophiles
steely dan; xtc 
Rock and Roll Snobbery
i never bought santana's grammy-award-winning cd *supernatural*, cuz i read how dynamically compressed the recording was, so i don't know if it really is or not, but it's supposed to be. i bought it when i found it on vinyl, & the vinyl versio... 
no, i don't have newforms - i'm holding out for a custom pair w/accuton midwoofs replacing the scan-speak revelator midwoofs - these ceramic drivers are even *faster* than the scan-speaks, & i tink they'll mate that much better w/the newforms'... 
Electrocompaniet A100
iceraven, contact heinz preiss, a usa certified electro technician: shameless plug: if yure interested, i have an aw100 listed f/s on audiogon - it's got the anodized facia, but the lettering "ampliwire 100" i... 
Attenuator puzzles
bat sez their attenuators are: "140 step electronic shunt volume attenuator with .5dB steps." they are also remote-control, at an option. aren't these similar to the shallco's?the best attenuator i heard was melos' photentiometer, which used the b... 
Rock and Roll Snobbery
onhwy61 sez: "...Furthermore, most pop/rock recordings are not mixed to be played on high resolution systems. The producers, engineers and the musicians make assumptions about how their music is most likely to be heard (MTV, car radio, boombox, et... 
Best Phono stage under $1200? Audiomat?
based upon michael fremer's review, i'd say the camelot fono-stage would be at the top of my audition-list. based upon the comments of others a short while ago, when i was also looking for a reasonable fono-stage, i'd say the aragon 47k would also... 
Rock and Roll Snobbery
hi charles, i agree w/ewe - a *great* system should do *everything* well. it has to for me, cuz i like small acoustical stuff, as well as loud raucous music. that said, not everyone is like me, & there *are* some speakers - martin logan cls' c... 
system matching help
if ya wanna have a combo h-t/audio system, get a preamp that has a default signal processor input - this allows a h-t processor to be plugged-in, and when ya select that imnput on the preamp, it defaults all controls to the processor, allowing vol... 
Advice Required
miked, i tink yule get the biggest sonic improvement by getting an audio-only preamp - probably tubed - and run all your audio gear thru *it*. it wouldn't surprise me at all if yer current cd-player, run thru a nice tubed preamp, would sound bette... 
Martin logan prodigies
patou,i'd look into the newform research nhb645's or r645's. check out their www & the reviews at audioreview. at ~$2250 delivered, w/30-day in-home audition, there'd be lotsa $$$ left over for a sub system... ;~)doug 
Advice on cartridges!
medhorn, yer fono-stage has to have lotsa lo-noise gain to use a lo-output m/c. if it does, then i'd recommend a lo-output m/c vs a higher-output coil. many mfr's make the same cartridge w/different output specs, & i've never read about *any* ... 
Best new amp under $2k?
ok, dtwomey - here's a shameless plug: how about my electrocompaniet aw100? all the detail of good solid-state, w/all the warmth of tubes! adwertised rite here on audiogon for $995 obo! ;~)seriously, i tink electro amps are wery nice - only reason... 
Help learn diff.between SS and Tube
dan,try a tubred preamp w/the pas amp. check out the output impedence of the pre to make sure it's at least 1/10th of the amps' input impedence or smaller. i'd suggest the cary slp98, which i found wery nice, or the melos ma-333/music director, wh...