
Responses from sedond

Best Preamp under $5k??
i like my melos music director - this listed for $4600 w/o fono, $7400 w/fono. i picked mine up (w/o fono) for $2k used. 
Kinergetics SW200 rip-off ??
from what i've read, it was the sw2000 that was supposed to be decent, but these were *not* budget. i like my pair of vmps larger subs, that are actually true subs, at a reasonable price. try response down to 17hz, 95db w/0.5%thd; 120db w/5.0%thd.... 
Sub for monster BASS!!!!!!
try a pair of vmps larger subs. paired w/a pair of used solid-state bridged amps & a good electronic x-over (like marchand, for example), these will give you clean accurate powerful bass at *way* less the cost than anything comparable. i'm a c... 
Tonearm/Cartridge Upgrade
i haven't a-b'd this w/the higher-priced stuff, but i believe that the origin-live modified rega rb-250 is a great arm, especially for the money. o-l modifies *all* the rega arms, but they say the lowly 250 turns out at the top of the heap - even ... 
Help! Need amp recommendations.......
dekay - oops!!! ;~) prolly shooda looked at the date... 
Pre-amp Gain, Too much?
it wood depend on thje specs of the wolume pot - some have less distortion when wide-open, others are pretty much the same thru-out their range. i'd ask the mfr. my melos preamp also has tons-o-gain, the mfr asures me there's no difference in soun... 
SF Power 1s with Thiel CS 2.3s Enuf Pwr?
i agree mostly w/mezmo - especially to ask thiel. but thiel's recommendation of a 100 wpc min amp doesn't necessarily mean one that puts out 200 watts into 4 ohms, as not all amps are class-a, that essentially double their power as the ohms halve.... 
Audio Research 100.2 amp
hey ral, mebbe that's why i like my electrocompaniet amps - also a mosfet design. & no haze or bass wimpyness that *i'm* aware of... not that i have one for sale, or anything... ;~) 
Cheap SACD Player or wait for DVD Audio?
al,whil i basically agree w/your position, i feel i can still wait a few months, because i believe that there will soon be decent ~$1200 retail digital-disc players that will do *all* formats. i can wait a few more months. but i also admit that i ... 
Hsu subs
i've heard teh older hsu subs, & the newer 1225, tho older w/the hsu amp, the 1225 w/another amp. hsu subs *are* nice, but i prefer my vmps subs. what ever brand ya choose, get a pair for best audio response... 
AR turntable
dunno about costs, but contact merrill audio for the best ar mods... they should have adwice for ewe about this... 
High Fidelity Sex Objects
isle settle for an in-the-store audition - dunno how the wife wood go for an in-home audition... ;~) 
Cheap SACD Player or wait for DVD Audio?
koloft, don't get me wrong - i don't disagree w/ewe about the superior sound & deep pockets by sony. but these facts alone don't ensure the success of this medium. betamax was far superior to its competition, & the same deep pockets backed... 
I promised myself I'd never do this
yup, i understand melos *was* extremely poor w/their customer service. when i bought my used m-d, it was on consignment from the original owner at the place of purchase - the audio outlet. it was represented as a ma-333, fully-upgraded to music-di... 
Audio Research 100.2 amp
hey khokugo, what preamp do ya use? this wood also affect yer amp choice. how about a nice electrocompaniet aw100 amp? i got one adwertised here on audiogon, asking $895... ;~) yeah, i know - shameless plug! only selling it to find an aw75 to matc...