
Responses from sedond

CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
carl, others seem to find it helpful, sorry ewe don't. i've heard my brother-in-law's system, & it's great. as i said before, i don't wanna drag him into your pettiness. i have no reason to misrepresent him - what rationale do you tink would m... 
ARC Amp for ProAc Response 2.5?
proac recommends the solid-state arc 100.2's, combined w/the arc ls-16 or ls-25 toobed preamps... ask proac about yer current stuff & see what *they* say... 
preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn
bob, sorry, yer right - i thought your sub would have a volume control or a built-in filter. ewe can buy a short two-into-one interconnect or solid brass two-into-one plug for the main out. (or, is that one into two?) ;~) or, ewe can send it to ro... 
AC line conditioners - Need Help
whichever conditioner ya use, it's my opinion that there's *no* reasonably-priced unit that won't restrict the dynamics of yer amps, unless yure running low-power amps in a small room. unless ewe can afford big-bucks on something like a ps-audio p... 
preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn
bob, ya have to push the *record* button on the front of the rogue 99 in order for the record outputs on the back of the unit to work. try this, & it should work for ewe. as my subs are passive, i couldn't run them this way or they'd run full-... 
Opinion on Buena Vista social club CD?
the bvsc video actually has a wery decent soundtrack - this would be good to see/hear on a nice h-t set-up. ewe can really hear the venue where the recordings take place - like where ruben gonzales is in that huge old mansion (palace?) playing the... 
preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn
telescope_trade, i know nothing of this switch, but call mark o'brien at rogue - he's wery friendly & helpful (tho he prolly doesn't care for *me* too much!) ;~)do ewe have the elf processor w/your bag-end? i'm not wery familiar w/how this wor... 
New Speakers
hi joe_c,dint ya say a while back that yer an all-digital man? and that ya don't care for toobs or preamps? i guess this would explain, at least to me, anyways, why ewe like the vandy's. no offense meant, cuz i know that vandersteen has a big foll... 
CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
hi cblly,i understand that there are folks who prefer their digital run straight-in. perhaps, as in your case, the tube amp is a key that helps smooth-out what i find to be etched, fatiguing digital sound, when run thru solid-state equipment. i al... 
CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
hey carl, do ewe have anything useful to say? yer ears must be *really* good, if ewe can hear email... 
Opinion on Buena Vista social club CD?
i believe ruben gonzales, the keyboard player, has also released a the bvsc cd, it sounds great, but the winyl wersion is better... ;~> doug ps - a couple of the folks are on tour - i hope to catch 'em in the dc area next month... 
Tubes? Transistors? Which are better?
hey craig,why stop at vtl's mb450? why not the mb750's or wotans? ;~) regards, doug 
CD Player w Volume control-Suggestions?
my brother-in-law woodn't consider running his res-audio cd-50 straight-in to his a-r 100.2 amps driving his proac 2.5's - he sez it's better run thru his a-r ls-16 preamp - more relaxed, less etched & fatiguing, w/no loss of detail. he'd rath... 
Tubes? Transistors? Which are better?
tubegroover, ewe could be right - for *me*, while i *do* love what tubes do, i *also* can't give up the accuracy of ss at the frequency extremes, or the dynamics of ss. as far as preamps go, there seems to be lotsa tube-gear that really makes no s... 
"Sizzling" tweeters at high volume?
trelja, the newform's have ribbons from 1khz up; below 1khz, they currently run the scan-speak revelator mid-woofs, either 5.5" or 6.5", depending on the model. ya, the accuton mid-woofs would replace the scan-speaks - also excellent drivers in th...