Responses from seanheis1
Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY If you are cross shopping these two speakers you are not ready to buy anything IMO. | |
Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000 Tekton Lore is the best I have heard by far at around $1000. They replaced the Lii Audio 15 inch open baffles and for me it was a big upgrade. | |
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects Thank you for link. That cable I believe is their low cost option using Mogami microphone cable. If cables are easily detectible by your ears, Mogami makes a design for its intended purpose (hi-fi). I posted link below. This WBC version also uses ... | |
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects With welding you are introducing another metal into the signal chain. This is likely why the big budget cable you reference is using a set screw...a more purist approach. BJC interestingly enough, now has a line of cables that sell for a few thou... | |
Doge (China to USA) Tariff I wonder if some Chi-Fi brands like Denafrips are just absorbing the tariff cost in their pricing? Sounds like a smart idea so the consumer doesn't get triggered. ;-) I have noticed that Chi-Fi gear has gone up in price significantly, more than j... | |
First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s The Gaia raise the tweeter height so that’s going to be a noticeable change. I imagine the height increase also helps a bit to reduce the floor bounce reflection. As a side-note, it is interesting that every Gaia discussion gets flooded with Town... | |
Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500 Thanks for sharing. I would say you are fortunate regarding your noise floor with the Brio. When I contacted Rega, the higher noise floor was a known issue due to the compact size of unit and the only fix was to send the unit to an authorized deal... | |
Tekton Design - New IRL Technology - Lifelike, Real, Immersive I think it sounds like the future. Curious, what speakers was Eric using in the demo? | |
The panic selling of tube audio had begun. I ordered 4 tubes from The Tube Store on 3/11 and they shipped that day. Got them on 3/14. They were certainly efficient. I guess this was just before the panic buying. I already had replacements for my preamp. These were for my phono preamp. FYI... | |
Looks like PS Audio has a hit on their hands with the new speaker Once the FR30 hits the used market its true value will be established. Until then it's going to be a lot of hype about how high demand is. | |
An electrical engineer on how power cables can impact sound quality These two (Darren & Duncan) have a massive conflict of interest the size of a Boulder ;-) Might as well have had Paul McGowan with them. | |
PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator) It tells much more than some random flowery prose about lifted veils and darker blacks. But my wife heard it from the other room!! | |
PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator) Here is part 2 of the testing. PS Audio P12 Review Part 2: Power Testing And here is copy and paste of Amir's conclusion. Conclusions It is clear from the above tests that using the P12 degrades available power to an amplifier, not increase ... | |
PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator) PS Audio wasn’t given an opportunity to respond. I agree with this point. I have reached out to Paul McGowan so if he wasn't aware of PowerPlant 12 being measured and the resulting discussions on audio forums, he is now. | |
PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator) frogman - I'm sure it has good PRAT. 😉 |