
Responses from seandtaylor99

Is There Big Trouble Brewing?
Bomarc .. I envisage lending libraries where the CDs lent are "special" non-production CDs, either with clever copy protection, or more likely the age-old copy protection of just cutting off the last 30 seconds of each song. That way you are force... 
Is There Big Trouble Brewing?
Buscis ... you are preaching to the choir! I was born in 1969, so my prime music buying years (assuming we start at age 14) were 1983 onwards. Looking in my collection you'll find tons of 1960s and early 1970s material, maybe 1 or 2 1980s albums, ... 
Is There Big Trouble Brewing?
Thanks Buscis. The first company that I worked at out of college had 5000 employees on a single campus, and there were many active hobby groups .. pretty much like college with a salary ! Anyway, one of the groups ran a vinyl library (CD's were ju... 
Is There Big Trouble Brewing?
there certainly is trouble brewing. In my opinion we need record libraries and download technology to allow us to "try before we buy" and to explore more music without having to pay up front for music that often does not live up to the hype.The go... 
Audiolab info needed
Infinitebaffle ... perhaps you could direct us to the poor reviews, because I could only find glowing reviews.And the closeout price at artech is the same as buying used on audiogon. I really think you need to back up your strong assertions with s... 
Audiolab info needed
My guess is that the audiolab 8000s will be rather more precise than the NAD equipment. Lall is correct that the company was taken over and renamed ... you'll find that TagMclaren still support the audiolab products. Have a look on their website.I... 
Someone help me Sound Too Thin ?????
I am going to offer another suggestion .. demo a good subwoofer (like a REL). My spica angelus based system sounded a bit thin and lacking in dynamics until I added the REL and now it sounds fabulous. The REL added depth and a sense of scale and p... 
Carpet or hardwood floor?
I have found carpet to give better acoustics, but I don't particularly like carpet (for many reasons, amongsts which we have pets), so a good trade off may be rugs. 
Former Spica owners ... what did you trade up to ?
Thanks everyone. It seems to me that it is a wise idea to hang on to the Spicas when purchasing "trade-up" speakers, since many have found that the "trade up" is more of a "trade sideways".What a pity that Jon Bau is not still designing speakers. 
High End Myth Glossary.
#19 Marakanetz has better things to do with his/her time than post trolls 
Spica TC 50 Question s
Mission (of England) made some 8" and 10" subs for around $250. You might find one used. They got great reviews. I would probably have got one, but they didn't cross over low enough to be mated with the Angelus (my crossover is set at 27Hz !). How... 
Spica TC 50 Question s
Hi Fredman ... different thread, but I can also respond to this one. I own spica angelus and I had the same problem ... wonderful midrange and imaging (thrashed Spendor s3/5 in imaging) but not enough "drive" to get my toes tapping.I added a REL S... 
Run FM Tuner/Preamp to Pre-amp- Is this safe ?
You could always use the tape loop output of the adcom (I assume it has one) instead of the preamp outputs ... that way you would not have to use the adcom's volume control, which you could leave set to the minimum volume. I'm afraid I'm not famil... 
Celestion Ditton 44 Speakers
I had a friend who owned them, and they sounded very enjoyable (especially for the price) with lots of deep bass. I do also remember them sounding muddy, also, compared to newer speakers. I guess you get what you pay for.Neither of us tried any mo... 
The truth about interconnects - can you handle it?
Nrchy, do you really think that we cannot explain why cables sound different ? Personally I think we can, which is why the cables that people consistently rank the best show similar physical characteristics, whether it be minimum capacitance, mini...