
Responses from seandtaylor99

Best way to combine Sub and floor speakers?
As a REL owner definitely C .. and I could not detect any disturbance to the sound of my main speakers. 
Bookshelf vs. Floorstand
Just for the record I use floorstanders (Spica angelus) AND a sub !!!!! (Belt and braces). Many floorstanders only go to around 35Hz and can benefit from a good sub to fill out the really low stuff. For monitors I'd view a sub as essential.Just ou... 
Bookshelf vs. Floorstand
In my opinion the difference between floorstanders and bookshelves (and I mean real bookshelf, not any speaker that sits on a stand) is a matter of taste.Whilst it may be true that a similarly priced bookshelf is of higher quality (and this is not... 
The best DAC for the money
For anything over a few hundred dollars I would want to demo the DAC, driven by your CD player (the NAD) versus a comparably priced one box CD player. DACs are sometimes very dependant on their transport and the NAD may or may not be a good transp... 
Vocabulary question
The most colloquial description I can think of is that sudden dynamics in the music seem to leap out of the speakers at you. For example rimshots or a hard snare drum hit, or the pluck of an acoustic guitar. It's hard to nod off when listening to ... 
RB600 Tonearm Spring Defeat - set to 0 or 3? 
New CDP or DAC for budget system?
I agree with Bomarc. Besides CD players and DVD players will sound very very similar with your current amp and speakers.An external DAC using a DVD as a transport is a crapshoot as the quality of the digital signal from the transport may undo all ... 
Loud turntable buzz since receiver replaced.
Sounds like it may be a grounding problem. Plus connecting a turntable to two phono preamps simultaneously (which it sounds like you're doing) could cause an impedance mismatch. The cartidge only expects to be connected to a single phono preamp, s... 
Getting into analog is tough....
For plug and play it's hard to be simpler than a rega p3 with an elys cartrige. The cartridge has 3 bolt points so that on a rega arm there is no alignment to consider. There's almost nothing to adjust on the rega other than tracking weight and an... 
Getting into analog is tough....
If you don't already have an LP collection then I would not bother with analog. Like Patrick said $1500 buys a lot of music. If I were you I'd put the $1500 into CDs and /or upgrades to your digital front end, or get an SACD player. I listen to vi... 
A Tough Question
In general posessions are hassle. The more you own the more trouble they'll give you. Fewer possessions == less stress. Identify those things that are important enough to warrant the hassle and own only those. Eschew all the other extraeneous poss... 
Slappys Sob Story. So long folks
I'll miss the threads. Your threads have been the daytime soap opera of audiogon. Best of luck with the finances, but beware taking on mountains of debt, because I think the chances that the economy is truly recovering right now are very very small. 
Remove spring from RB300 is a reputable website, and says to set the tracking weight to 3g (max) will remove the spring.Hurrah for google. 
subwoofer for Quad 988 electrostatics
As the person responsible for putting the subwoofer idea into your head (I think it was my post, anyway) I'll chip in on the first two responses to this thread.I think you have to find a quad dealer who also sells a quality subwoofer (add REL to t... 
AB1 or REL Subwoofer for Ls3/5a?
I have tried REL strata 3 with Spendor S3/5 and it worked very well. A friend runs with spendor's own subwoofer (perhaps another consideration). The REL was set to cross at 70Hz, and it was pretty seamless.The only downside to the AB1 is that I'm ...