
Responses from seandtaylor99

What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
Pauly,"Surely you do not think that Garrards are still being sold no?" recommend that you not be Mr smarty-pants when you are talking about something with which you have absolutely no personal experience. 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
dvdgreco if you can stretch the budget a little a Michell tecnodec or Nottingham horizon will better the P3 for not much more money. 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
"Fact is there are none on the market"The Garrard 301, 401 and 501 sell for pretty big money when fully restored, and I have known people dump top spec. LP12s to get a garrard. The LP12 is not the best incarnation of belt drive, but it's good enou... 
Movin' up from Rega Planet 2000? What next?
A quote from a UK hifi board (not me !)"I've heard it!It is a fantastic player and a massive improvement on the Planet. Now here's the good news. It will be the same price as the Planet, £498.00. I believe it will be with all Rega dealers by the e... 
Opinions Creek Classic 5350SE vs. Rotel RX-1052
Creek's tuners have an excellent reputation. 
Movin' up from Rega Planet 2000? What next?
From what I have been told the new laser pickup, controller and decoder chips gave Rega far better reading from the disk (lower jitter, wider eye pattern, lower error rates) and also a lower cost versus the Planet and Jupiter. I think the new driv... 
Movin' up from Rega Planet 2000? What next?
Sorry about that. I double checked and the link is correct.Go to "Bancs d'essai" on the leftFrom the list of the reviews there are two near the bottom of the page "Rega Apollo" 
Movin' up from Rega Planet 2000? What next? 
Movin' up from Rega Planet 2000? What next?
Rega is about to release a new CD player which will be priced at around the same as the planet, but significantly outperform the jupiter .... so say my sources. There's a thread about it on www.pinkfishmedia.netIt has already received two rave rev... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
Pauly ... read my earlier posts, therein lies the information.Dvdgreco was asking for TT recs under $600. It all started well enough, then descended into a showoff-fest with arms cartridges and tables costing kilobucks. How is that helpful ?I stan... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
"but I am sad to say those individuals would be better off with something from Best Buy. ""I am not a snob."Funny .. I thought those two statements were contradictory.Psychic ... what a very ignorant post. Care to enlighten us ? 
Cartridge Recommendation
By all accounts the Goldring 1042 MM is better than the MC Eroica, and cheaper. 
GMA Europa owners use what amp?
I use a Densen B100, a minimalist SS design which has been described as SET like mid-high with SS bass in reviews.Roy uses and recommends EDGE amps ... also a minimalist SS design. Having seen an EDGE integrated with the lid off it looks almost ex... 
What Turntable to buy under $600 ?
Reread the post people. Under $600 (that must include a cartridge, or at least a new stylus if buying used). Not finicky, simple to setup.I recommended the P3 because I own one, and properly setup it sounds great. I have not heard a KAB1200, but i... 
Don't Think I'll Buy This...
If the seller lists the NEW price do you believe them ?If the seller describes the amp do you believe them ?Between accidental mistakes and deliberate puffery I'd rather do my own legwork and know what I'm getting.I agree about the photos, though.