
Responses from seandtaylor99

Reference 3A De Capo or Rogers LS3/5 ?
If you like the BBC sound and want more bass a logical next step would be the Harbeth compact 7. I have never heard the DaCapo speakers, so I cannot comment on them. 
Slow Rega P25
Great ... glad it worked ... and a lot less than $150 ! Now you have $150 to spend on LPs ! 
Slow Rega P25
A drop of superglue on the motor spindle, to keep the plastic pulley wheel firmly attached to the spindle. 
Slow Rega P25
Check that the pulley isn't slipping on the motor shaft ... it's very common in Rega's and a small drop of superglue fixes it. 
Is a down-firing sub into carpet OK?
It works fine for me (REL strata), and I've had the sub on carpeted slab, and carpeted suspended wooden floors.Be careful with raising the sub, as the sub may be designed to load the room very close to the floor. When I tried it with mine it sound... 
Integrated Amp Choice: budget tubes or ss?
There's a mission Cyrus 1 on audiogon at the moment. I think the price is a little high, but if you can negotiate down a bit it's a very nice integrated amp with an excellent phono section.I'd also have a look at a used Audiolab 8000A if you can f... 
Best Monitors for Rock N' Roll under $2500
I own the GMA Europas and on their own they have inadequate bass for rock music. For that matter every monitor I have ever heard has inadequate bass for rock.I have my europas crossed with a REL strata sub at 45Hz and the overall effect is very se... 
Naim CDS3 won't play 3" mini CDs. Any advice
If you have access to a PC with a CD burner then I would just copy the data to a full sized CD. 
Permanently sealing a vented subwoofer??
Nice theoretical desctription. It is pretty obvious that the acoustic suspension of a vented box is different to that of a sealed box, and that this will affect the mechanical action of the drivers.The only problem with the theory is that foam plu... 
Permanently sealing a vented subwoofer??
I have used foam bungs to mitigate boomy bass where there was no option for repositioning or replacing speakers. It doesn't always have the desired effect, but it often improves boomy / slow bass, it costs next to nothing, and it's instantly undon... 
Rachmaninov for beginners
I have seen Shine on two occasions. It is a great movie, but since I was not familiar with the Rachmaninov music prior to seeing it I rather ignored the music, focussing on the story instead.Perhaps in a few months time I will watch it another time. 
Rachmaninov for beginners
Thanks for a great thread everyone.I will also look for the Cello sonata as piano and cello are my two favorite solo intruments for concertos.Marco, I have a very old LP of saint Saens Piano concerto no 2. I really like the opening movement, but f... 
Rachmaninov for beginners
Thanks all.this CD looks like just the ticket, and at $8.00 will not break the bank. shameless plug for archivmusic, with which I have no affiliation other than being a fan). 
Rega RB1000 and VTA Adjustment
I have a lowly Rega Planar 3 but I have also found that spacers can make a large difference in the sound for non-rega cartridges. Specifically the Linn K9 and Goldring 1042, which are somewhat taller than the Rega cartridges.Being cheap I used mac... 
Using Y-adapter to duplicate preamplifier outputs
It is really a question of impedance.In theory a preamp has a low output impedance and likes to see a high input impedance (10k ohms or more). If you use a Y adaptor you can halve the input impedance of the power amp as the preamp sees the two pow...