
Responses from seandtaylor99

Wish list of higher quality recordings
RF I am running a turntable and I do have an original pressing of Tumbleweed connection, but it has seen better days (bought used). It has a lovely rich sound, though, and to my mind is his best album.Lush ... mine is an inexpensive system, but I ... 
Wish list of higher quality recordings
Something is terribly wrong with your system if Nirvana Nevermind sounds compressed and lacking in dynamics. Even on my modest system it fairly leaps out of the speakers at me.My current "hate list" is the Elton John CD remasters from the late 199... 
Rush fans on the board ??
"A farewell to kings"In general I prefer the earlier stuff. 
help with cd player choice.
If you go the Meridian route I am told that certain early 500 series players may not have replacement transport mechanisms. You might want to get the serial number and call Meridian. I'm not suggesting that the player is unreliable, but I would no... 
Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?
"Stylus drag is an instantaneous slow down of the turntable caused by tracking the record grooves."Has anyone ever measured this ? The drag of a stylus tracking at 2grams slowing a 10 or 20lb platter (like the Nottingham).Of course for every actio... 
Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?
Pretty sure this would be a significant upgrade: 
Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?
Although I have no personal experience with the tecnodec or the P25 those in the know whose opinion I would trust says it is a lateral move.If you're going to take the trade-in hit better to make a definitive move upward to, for example, a Notting... 
B&W DM220's - worth anything or 'give away'?
If the surrounds of your speakers crumble then refoam them yourself for about $25 and have like-new speakers again. I've done several pairs. It takes about an hour and is really easy. 
Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?
"the idea that you should stick with the cd player if you don't have a vinyl collection is erroneous".It depends. If you are going to drop $2000 on an LP playback system then that $2000 could seriously upgrade your CD playback, or purchase a lot o... 
B&W DM220's - worth anything or 'give away'?
Sorry, my point wasn't that they were not worth more than $100, just that Audiogon serves as a good place for selling lower price stuff as well as the mega buck equipment. 
REL strata 3, if you can stretch. It's a great sub, and now it's discontinued it appears to be holding its value. I bought one used for $800 4 years ago and they are still selling for $800 now. 
B&W DM220's - worth anything or 'give away'?
Did you try listing them here ? I've bought a few things on this site for under $100 for other systems. Give it a try ... there's often a buyer for anything, and there's nothing better than recycling. 
Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?
If you have an extensive LP collection I would say go for it, but you might do better with a Nottingham Analogue deck at that price.If you have no LPs I'd say save your money and get a better CD player.The difference in sound quality between CD an... 
Should I put my loudspeakers in a smaller room?
I would try it. Small rooms can take a lot of bass output provided the speakers are positioned well. The room is not square so that's a very good start.I have had a lot of luck with Cardas placement here: 
Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon
Elizabeth ... CEC=Sanyo I think, in the same way as Lexus=Toyota.