
Responses from seandtaylor99

Best recording / performance Dvorak Cello conc.
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. 
very small speakers suitable for wll mounting
A friend of mine uses LS3/5 in exactly this application, and it is one of the few applications in which I think ls3/5s sound very good. In general I find them overpriced, but for wall mounting their small size and sealed cabinet produces a very cl... 
You might be an audiophile if...
your living room is arranged around your speakers, and your speakers visually dominate the room, being several feet from any walls. 
very small speakers suitable for wll mounting
LS 3/5 or any derivative thereof (spendor, harbeth).If you buy used you can later resell for little loss.Linn's Kans or Tukans are supposed to be very good but I've never heard them. 
Best recording / performance Dvorak Cello conc.
Thanks all. I checked at and found that Rostropovich has had several recordings.The Giulini with the LPO (number 1) comes recommended.I don't own, nor do I intend to buy an SACD player, but thanks for mentioning it.1. Dvorák, Saint-... 
Which budget SS amps use least Global Feedback?
Densen B-100, now only available used is a minimalist design with minimal feedback. It sounds great.Now I've said that I'd also say that I would never buy equipment based on design philosophy, but on how it sounds. Perhaps you'll prefer the sound ... 
How To Improve B&W N802 Bass Response?
Disclaimer ... I've never heard any of your gear.So the reason I'm posting is that I have used a subwoofer with a couple of different speakers and may be able to help in that respect. For reference I use a REL strata, which is a sub that leaves th... 
no bass after 6 month non-use
Are they wired in phase ? (dumb question ... but always check the obvious first)Do they have foam surrounds that might have rotted ?did you position them in the room exactly as they were before (you might have a listening room that creates a bass ... 
How do I go backwards?
Really sorry to hear of your situation. I'm not sure I can suggest much, but I did want to offer my condolences.For the cabling if you can make (or have a friend make) the DIY interconnects on Chris Venhaus' web site I would guess it will cost und... 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
Could you try it out? I have no personal experience with Krell, but unless someone here posts a response based directly on experience with the 300i driving 104/2s I would ask your friend if they mind you doing a quick home demo. 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
The Cyrus 2 would need a PSX to really sing with KEFs.In England a friend of mine ran Kef 103/4 with a Cyrus 2 / PSX and he could blow the walls off in a large living room.But they're so rare it's probably a non-issue. 
Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?
I think these speaker have low impedance at low frequencies, so they need a lot of current delivery ... that's probably where the yamaha falls over.At $500 it's tricky to find good current delivery, but NAD and rotel would be the first names that ... 
Speaker compairson?
Try to get a home demo of a good subwoofer (or pair thereof). The sub-monitor combo can sound very very good. 
Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?
Yes I would, and I have. I bought my Green Mountain Europas on the back of recommendations from former owners of Spica speakers, which I used to own.I would never buy based on magazine review, but I think a review from someone who can reference ve... 
Popping when source is switched or muted HUH????
Do you have any equipment that should be grounded (ie 3 prong plug) plugged into an ungrounded receptacle ? This could cause "grounds" to float and can cause popping.