
Responses from sdcampbell

Places to Listen in Seattle
All of the main Seattle stores are covered in the posts above. If you have the time, and want to see a few different lines, you can also travel to Tacoma (about 30 miles south) and visit Advanced Audio Systems. The store is owned and operated by C... 
choosing a Step up or an head amp for a shelter901
The rated output for the 901 is 0.5mV, although several reviews I've read have suggested that actual output is somewhat higher. One normally uses a step-up transformer for very low output MC cartridges -- down in the 0.25 mV or less range. Cartrid... 
Mono's for HT Rear channels
Bryston makes a line of monoblock amps (called the PowerPack) that are specifically designed for mounting on the speaker itself, on the wall behind the speaker, etc. There are several different power ratings available: 60 watts, 120 watts, and 300... 
Hum when cablevision is plugged in to tv
The cable isolator is the same thing as a ground loop interrupter, which Radio Shack sells for around $10 or less. I installed one on my son's TV cable and it did the job just fine. 
Sand filled speakers please help
Sand (which can be combined with lead shot) is a very good vibration damping material (years ago, Wharfedale speakers featured sand-filled cabinets). It's hard to say with precision how your speakers' sound may change with the addition of sand, bu... 
7.1 HT under about 3k
Point noted -- $3k for the HT processing/amplification only is much more realistic. The concluding point I should have made in my first post is: trust your own ears. Ultimately, what YOU like is more important than adhering to the "prevailing wisd... 
Shelter 501 MKii/RB 600/Gyro SE: how many spacers?
Fine, Doug, disagreement is always legitimate. However, unless you begin with a level tonearm, you have no point of reference with regard to stylus "rake" angle. I have been setting up tonearm systems, both professionally and for friends, for near... 
7.1 HT under about 3k
I realize you want advice on this matter, but let me start the discussion by asking you why you want 7.1, as opposed to 5.1. The 7.1 format requires more speakers and more amplification channels (all of which means more money), with very little or... 
Shelter 501 MKii/RB 600/Gyro SE: how many spacers?
Without actually seeing your turntable setup, it's hard to advise you -- unless one of our forum members has the same setup as you do and can provide advice based on personal experience. However, what you want to achieve is for the tonearm to be l... 
Does Blockbuster Edit Their Movies?
Yes, I was unclear in my wording. What I read is that Blockbuster has their movies edited for objectionable content by the studio(s) BEFORE they are burned to CD. 
Hey, we don't get no respect
As a long-time audiophile, my personal experience has been that most people think we are part of the "lunatic fringe", and find the prices for most high-end audio gear absolutely insane (well, they are right about some of it...). I haven't decided... 
Does Blockbuster Edit Their Movies?
I have seen several articles in reputable journals that state that Blockbuster DOES edit their movies. Apparently this began in the religiously conservative areas of the country, but is now a fairly standard practice with this chain. I prefer Holl... 
Noticing the VPI Pheripery ring Thread-Which
I think Clearaudio also makes a periphery ring for its TT's. 
Vandersteen 5A's pics finished in kewazinga??
Kewazinga is a strongly figured, reddish-brown African hardwood. Here are links to 2 web sites that have photos of this wood: 
Subsonics with Grado & Rega Arm
I got around to looking at your post again, and a detail that I missed in your comments jumped out at me. You state that your turntable is on a cement floor, on top of cement blocks. It is possible that this location is exposing the turntable to a...