
Responses from sdcampbell

X-10 V3 and multiple digital sources
No, the X-10v3 has only set of input jacks. The other set of jacks is a bypass, allowing you to send a signal on to another component without going through the X-10's circuitry.It's not a good idea to use a "Y" connector, either, as this will almo... 
Hints on how to sell on A'gon?
I have about 60 transactions on A-gon, and I always try to talk by phone with the seller / buyer. If you provide a phone number with your ad, many buyers will call you, and I find that a short conversation tells me more about the person that readi... 
Question about solder
A good quality solder with some silver content (usually about 4%) will work fine for what you propose. 
What is under your TT, cheap islolation?
Markd51's comment about replacing the VPI's spring suspension with the Sorbothane pucks is well worth considering. I have a VPI HW-19 Mk4, and had lots of problems with "turntable bounce" due to the suspended flooring in my home. I tried lots of d... 
Revel or Vandersteins 3A's /Which is better?
Both sets of comments above are legitimate. Here's an alternative idea: get your 3A's upgraded to the "Signature" version. I owned 3A's and was pleased and a bit surprised how much improvement the "Signature" version provided. The 3A Sig's provide... 
Please help with interconnects
There are a number of very good interconnects that you can get for about $150 for a 1-meter pair (particularly if you intend to buy used cables). Here are some of the best:1. Kimber Hero: $160 MSRP for NEW pair, and around $100 for a used pair;2. ... 
out of phase
Stereophile has produced several test CD's, both of which contain phase tests. 
Sunny Cables "Wow"
My grandmother used to repeat an old saying (maybe one of Ben Franklin's?): a fool and his money are soon parted... 
Newbie looking for cheap dependable table
All of the comments above provide sound advice. The sole option I'd add is -- given your budget of up to $1k -- to consider a used VPI HW-19. If you are patient and willing to watch the A-gon ads, you can acquire a HW-19 Mk3 (or even Mk4). The HW-... 
Are extended warranties necessary on plasmas?
The comments above are "on the money". Extended warranties are almost always a complete waste of money - and virtually pure profit to the seller of the warranty. I have a colleague that used to work for Good Guys (before they went bankrupt), and h... 
equipment on cones
I use Golden Sound's DH cones under most of my gear, and the placement instructions are quite specific. Rather than try to recap the instructions, I refer you to the following page of their web site: 
How can I start to change the system?
Osquitar:Let me start by saying that your written English is excellent -- better, infact, than some of the posts by our members.There are two sets of opinions about building a system: start with the source components, or start with the speakers. I... 
Labels for classical brass?
A brief Google search revealed several sources. Here's one that might be of interest: 
Low capacitance IC??
In short, non-technical terms, capacitance describes the ability to store electrical energy. Electrical energy can be stored by various materials, including the di-electric used to insulate interconnects and speaker cables. Because the signal stre... 
Looking for Jazz emsembles with a guitar flair
The three guitarists you mention that you like all play in the "hard bop" style of jazz that was popular in the 1960's. You might also enjoy some of the guitarists who played in the Swing, bop, and cool styles of jazz. Here's a short list of guita...