
Responses from sdcampbell

Newbie looking for system suggestions
I just love the assertions on this site about Bryston not being high-end gear. Have any of you guys actually taken the time to assemble and then listen to a Bryston-based system, with good speakers, in a home listening environment? FWIW, Stereophi... 
Bryston B100 - Impressions Please
I trust you will get some responses from owners of the B100-SST. In the meantime, there is a review of the B100-SST in the current issue of Hi-Fi+ Magazine. This review has been posted on the Bryston web site at the following link:http://www.bryst... 
Need Copper Cables for 18ft Runs: Bang for Buck
My first suggestion would also have been the Alpha-Core Goertz MI2, but they've been mentioned. If the MI2 cable is still too expensive for your budget, then my next-best recommendation is Kimber Kable 4TC. 
Subsonics with Grado & Rega Arm
The revised description you've provided is a bit different problem than your original post suggested. Woofer-flexing due to infrasonic signals can, as you imply, be caused by warped records, and may also be caused by a cartridge/tonearm mismatch t... 
How Old is Old when considering an Amp? Krell, Bry
As noted above, amps that run hot tend to fail sooner, due to the degradation of the capacitors, etc. I have no direct experience with Krell, but am familiar with Classe, and currently own Bryston gear. Bryston amps tend to operate at a moderately... 
Subsonics with Grado & Rega Arm
Can you be more specific about what you mean by "sub-sonics"? Are you hearing turntable rumble? acoustic feedback? too much very deep bass? And, by the way, what turntable do you have, and how is the turntable mounted? I also have an analog front ... 
What is the input impedance of the Classe DR-9 amp
According to information I found on the Internet, the input impedance is 53,000 ohms. 
Universal DVD player for HT, SACD and DVD-A
The Denon DVD-2910 and the Denon DVD-3910 have both gotten excellent reviews by a number of magazines, as well as independent review groups. I bought the 3910 last spring after a LOT of looking at universal players, and I have been VERY pleased wi... 
I need a Tonearm opinion... Please
I remember the Syrinx PU-2 as being pretty "tweaky" and difficult to set up. As a fellow owner of the Rega RB-900, I can't see any point in replacing it with the PU-2. The RB-900 features a 1-piece casting and very closely "spec'd" bearings, and R... 
best subwoofer for less than $1000
First, several questions to you:1. Are you going to use the subs mainly for music, for home theater, or both? If mainly for music, what kind of music will you listen to?2. Do you want a powered sub, or one driven by external amp?3. What is the low... 
Integrated for B&W 805 Signatures
You should also consider the Bryston B100 SST integrated amp. It's an excellent unit with sufficient power to drive your 805's. For more info, click on the following link: 
9", 10" or 12" tonearm?
The chief advantage to the longer tonearm is that it has a "shallower" tangential (i.e., tracking) arc than a shorter arm. The ideal way for a tonearm/cartridge combo to play an LP is linear tracking -- a straight line from the edge of the LP to t... 
Denon budget cartridge compared to $700 cartridge
Based on your system and your cartridge budget, I would recommend the Dynavector 17-D Karat or the Shelter 501 over the Blackbird. If you do that, you should also consider getting a new phono preamp. I am former owner of the Black Cube SE, and hav... 
Denon budget cartridge compared to $700 cartridge
At a minimum, you should hear better resolution and transients with the Blackbird, but a lot of that will depend on the rest of your analog "front end": turntable, tonearm, phono preamp, and preamp. So, to help other readers give you helpful advic... 
High amperage High-pass filter
Contact Parts Express -- they should have what you need. Here's the link: